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Late update, my bad.
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Narrator P.O.V

The next day. . . .

After what happen to the Nishikinos' and the school, Honoka went back at to her apartment. Although she left early just to stalk Tsubasa. Amy was up, doing her school works but suddenly the phone ring.

"Sam! You have a phonecall!" Amy shouted, "it better be honoka cause she's dead to me" she said in anger. Ealier this morning, honoka ate all the bread that she baught for 5 weeks.

"Oh it's not honoka" amy said as she give the phone to her.


Lusthorne, this is the police departme-


"If that number calls again, block it" she said and went back to her room. "Who's on the phone tho?" She ask "It's just some crap that's all" she said.

"Yow amy!" Gus greeted "hey gus, what brings you here?" She ask. "To see your pretty face of course" he said with a grin. Amy rolled her eyes and shouted "Gus is flirting at me again!" Only that they hear Sam's voice "Flirt with my girl again and I'll murder you instantly!" She said.

"You heared her" amy said and walk away. Gus sigh and grab himself a coffee "I'm here for honoka, is she here?" he asked. "Oh? Honoka? No she left moments ago" Amy said and sam went out. "Why deep shit? What honoka ordered you?" Sam said while glaring at him. "Quit your crap nerd face, she ask me to stalk this singer" he said.

"Oh for fucks sake honoka" sam facepalm and sigh "what's wrong with that dear?" Amy ask "her fangirling is all over the place, and now she's starting to stalk her" she said. "You do know that's her 'girlfriend' right?" Gus said.

Moments later someone knock the door, amy look at the peek hole. "There's a cop outside" she said, the two look at each other. "Great" he said and hide his bag. Amy open the door "hello I'm detective Eli Ayase and I'm looking for Sam Lusthorne." She said, "lusthorne? Never heared of her." Amy said, Eli sigh and ask again. "I mean, Lust. Sam Lust, is she home?" Sam move the door open.

"Well looks who's here, Ayase. How's your leg by the way?" she said and smile "your coming with me" she said and grab her but she dodge it " whoa I didn't break any law......in front of you" she said. Eli sigh and give the folder to her "your name is in the under the law program, and as said in the contract your in protection duty." she said. Sam look at the file and Amy spoke

"Please give us a moment" she said smile then close the door. "Your under the law!? And you didn't tell me?" She whisper angerly "it's a long story alright" she said and she still look all furious. "Why you didn't tell me? You do know the goverment is looking at you" she said. "If I didn't accept it, I'd be in the death row by now." She said angerly.

She open the door again and give the folder to Eli. "Fine, who's the crap needs protecting?" she ask. Eli sigh and spoke "The Nishikino's" only that Sam was suprise, she grin and spoke "I'm in then" she said. "Alright, your coming with me, But wear your casual clothes" she said.

"Give me a moment to change" she said and wink at eli then close the door. "Woah Sam I didn't know your under the law, I guess your too chicken to face the judge." Gus said cockly "oh shut up bird brain, it's not my decision" she said. "Oh? And who's from?" Amy ask

"No one" she said then went to her room. Moments later she got out the apartment and went to the police car. Umi was there and she suddenly handcuff her. "Am under the law Sonada" she said "I know." She said in irritation and put her inside the car.

Umi and Eli went inside the car as Umi start the car, Eli spoke "Hey, when we get there, don't do any funny business to the Nishikino's. you hear me?" Eli stated. Sam chuckle "loud and clear detective" she said sarcasticly.

Timeskipped. . . .

Honoka was outside the hause of kira. thanks for gus hacking skills, she manage to unlock the door. "Tsuba-san~" Honoka said sweetly as she look around the place. She saw tsubasa drinking water "tsuba-san!" Honoka shouted and hug her in the back.

"H-h-honoka!" She said in fear as she push honoka away from her "did I startled you? My bad" honoka said as she rub her back neck "w-what are you doing here? How did get here?" She said as she slowly pressing the emergency button "I ask my friend to stalk you so here I am" she said and grab an apple "oh and don't worry about me, the security cameras and the emergency buttons around the hause are all disabled." She said happily.

Tsubasa walk backwards "w-what do you want from me?" She ask scaredly "I want you to go home, our home tsuba-san" she said sweetly "listen, I'm sorry I left you all the sudden for those years." She said as she grab tsubasa's hands "it's just, I don't want to ruin your future." Tsubasa look at her, seeing her all sad and gloomy

"Tsubasa I love you, I loved you for so many years. please tsubasa let's just go home, together?" She said holding her cheek with a sad look on her face.

"Honoka, I"

"Tsubasa you there? Who you talking too?"

Tsubasa startled and cover honoka's mouth "N-no one Erena!" She said and drag honoka to the stairs. "Go to my room, down to the left and don't left the room until I said so" she said and honoka smiled.

"Your protecting me? Aw tsuba-saannn" she said and tsubasa hush her "yeah yeah now go" she said and went back to the kitchen "Erena! What brings you here?" She ask weirdly "just passing by, uh you okay?" She ask in concern "y-yeah I'm fine" she said

"You sure? Cause I hear you talking earlier, did you take your medicines by now?" She ask "yeah! I just took one" she said and they hear a thud sound. "What was that?" Erena ask confusely, she went to the stairs but tsubasa stop her "Um E-Erena, today's is my therapy right?" She said trying to block erena.

"Yeah, this afternoon-"

"Great! I'll call you later cause right now I'm heading back to bed, cause Y'know I'm tired." Tsubasa said while pushing erena all the way to the front door. "O-okay then?" Only that tsubasa close the door. She sigh and went to her room where honoka is.

"That was close" honoka said while rubbing her head "what are you doing to my room anyway? Y'know what, forget it you better leave too honoka" she said and honoka grab her hands "but I just got here" she said with a pout. Tsubasa look at her hands then to honoka "I...I have a concert at the park next sunday, feel free to go there" she said and honoka suddenly hug her tight

"Of course! I would love to!!" She said carry her around "o-okay! Honoka put me down" she said with chuckle, honoka put her down and there eyes meet. Honoka grab her cheek "I'll be watching you tsuba-san" she said sweetly and they make a kiss. Tsubasa didn't know why she did that, it just did but she give it in. She broke the kiss "okay, you should leave now honky" she said and slowly tapping her cheek, honoka was shock yet suprise what she said but she make her happy.

"Oh how I miss that nickname so much"

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Yeah...I'm bad at giving nicknames so.

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