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I gotta make one

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Tsubasa P.O.V

"Why do we ended up like this?" I ask "it's your fault for making me all excited, you do know how I love when you say my nickname" Honoka answered as she cuddle me close. Were laying in bed. Honoka is right beside me. I told her to leave but we ended up like this. Well, I didn't regret anything so "then I better stop calling you that" I said and honoka look at me in shock "what!? No no no no! I love that name! Don't stop calling me that please!!" She beg and I laugh

"Geez I'm just joking around" i said as I laugh. "So will you still gonna call me Honky?" She ask, I chuckle "of course silly" I said and look at the time "oh you should better leave before Erena comes back" Honoka pouted "but I want to stay longerrr" she whine

" I would love too but I have a therapy session this afternoon and Erena is going to pick me up any minute" I said as I grab her cheek "therapy?" She ask, I don't how to reply on that I mean She's the reason why I'm like this. I know she's been doing bad and ungreatful deeds for the past few years but...w-why's she all nice,sweet and lovable?

I don't really sure if its my mental state or am I just talking to the real one. I feel her body pressing mine so that means she's real...right? I shake my head and stood up "now get dress, before Erena cames back" I said and she start wearing her clothes in front of me. "You...won't tell anyone that I'm here right?" She ask as she put her pants on "o-oh um yeah don't worry I won't tell" I stutter a little.

"Were dating right?" She ask again but happy this time, "u-um" I hummed as I take the covers. Should I turn her in? But what if they find out? W-what will she gonna do if I decline? Wh-what if--

"D-don't worry I-I'll wait" she said and smile, "so, see you later tsuba-san" she said with a wink, I made a small smile as she left the room. As she leave, I dived my face to my blanket, "what am I going to do now?" I said out of the blue. I sigh and went to my bathroom since I haven't take a bath this morning. as I walk to the shower I saw plenty of marks that Honoka gave me.

I touch it as I slide my fingers like I'm tracing a maze, and by I galnce I saw honoka behind me. "Honoka I told you to--" I turn around and she's not there, I look at the mirror again and open the faucet. I wash my face and look behind me again, I did the same when I look at the mirror.

I'm halucinating again, I sigh and took one of my medicines. After all that, Erena drives me to the hospital for my daily check up. Were in the car and I was looking at the car window, I manage to hide some of the mark by using make up so that's not a problem.

"Is Everything okay in there?" Erena ask while looking at front mirror "Everythings fine Erena" I said still looking at the car window, Erena look at me then to the road. "You seem strange tho" she said "w-why do you say that?" I ask, "cause you stutter alot ever since I went to your hause" she said I startled.

She park the car and look at me in the eye "I hate lying tsubasa, so can you please tell me what's wrong?" She ask in concern "I-I told you I'm fine" I said, "you sure?" She ask and I nod multiple times "alright then" she sigh and I wear my sunglass. We went out the car and some of my fans noticed me, they run to us but the gaurd from the hospital block them.

Meanwhile. . . . . .

Nishikino's residence

Eli went out the car followed by umi and sam. "So can you unhandcuff me now?" Sam said showing her hands. The two sigh and eli remove the handcuffs "Now behave" she said as Umi ring the doorbell.

The door open and Nico was there, "Hi nico, your in a hurry" umi said "ah yeah, tsubasa is in the hospital now for her daily session and I have to go there before paparazzi came in" she said as she pass by them "oh, you must be our new gaurd. I'm Nico Yazawa-Nishikino and have we met before you look familiar?" She said

"Ah yes, at the hospital where I make hosta-"

"Not that, I mean highschool. Have we met before?" Sam frozed and nico's phone buzzed. "Ah! I have to go" she said and left. She watch her leave coldly, "bitch" she mumbled  "She's a psychologist at the general hospital, the hospital you jump off the window" Eli said and Maki appeared at the door, she didn't like what she saw. Only that sam give her a smile and Maki look scared to it.

"You must be, Ms. Nishikino. We've met before right? I'm Sam Lust and it's a pleasure to see you again" only that Maki still in shock yet frightened. "Maki, this is your personal bodygaurd. Her Name is Sam Lusthorne not 'Lust'." Eli said and Umi give a card to maki "and if something happen to you or nico, just call us" Umi said and maki took the card.

After the talk, they left her in the hands of Maki. "Okay sweetcheeks, what game should we play this fine afternoon~" she grin at her and maki ran into her room and lock herself up. Calling maki's name echoed through the hause.

"You can't lock yourself in there forever" she said "S-STAY AWAY FROM ME! OR ELSE I'LL CALL THE COPS!!" Maki shouted. Sam sigh and break the door "Like you can do THAT to me?" She grab the card and destroyed it. "Your nothing but a bitch,a weak, stubborn and a slutty bitch doctor you are." She said coldy.

"I met your bitch wife or yours today, she's cute and nice, she even recognized who I am back then" she smile and suddenly hit maki hard "and it pisses me off" she said and grab maki's hair forcefully. The is room filled with maki's tears " shut the fuck up!! it's annoying!" she drag her to the bathroom. "Do you wanna know why I'm so fucking pissed about it?" She dive maki's head to the toliet and flush over and over again.

She lift maki's head again "What does it feel to be a loser wimp in highschool huh Nishikino?" She said and put maki in the toliet again but this time she didn't give maki a chance to breath. Sam smile seing her like this; drowning.

"ruin her married life." She said and sam agreed " oh and one more thing" honoka said and suddenly she smirk evily "let's make her our hostage soon" she said

Sam stop and let go, maki cough in front of her. She bend down and grab her jaw "If your wife ask me that again, your meeting Mr. Toliet there. Lucky for you I can't drowned you" she said and stand up "yet." She left and maki cried at the bathroom in pain.

Tbc . . . . . .

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