Eli and Nozomi

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Eli P.O.V

Voice Recorder

'That's maki's hair. If you tell her or the rest of muse about this, you'll be next in my death list.'

"Oh my god." I said in disbelief; her voice, it's different; How I didn't notice it? I-I don't feel so good I cough badly and came out blood same goes to Nozomi. W-what is this!? Moments later Nozomi pass out in the ground; my eye sight turn to blur. I can hear Maki and Nico screaming our name, my body is getting weaker. I'm slowly passing out. Am I gonna die?

Earlier. . .

"What are you eating Nozomi?" I ask "oh, this; Honoka gave it to me minutes ago, wanna bite?" Nozomi said. I accept it and take a bite. It's delicious! "Harasho..." I said out of the blue then Nozomi giggle a little. Suddenly Nozomi's phone buzz same goes to mine. I look her and she look at me while holding our phone. We open our phone at the same time. It's a video, Nozomi look confuse on her phone "should we play it?" I ask, she look at me "I guess so" she said and we play it. it's a video of Maki in the rooftop; threating her by slowly droping her in the edge of the building.

The person holding Maki didn't catch on the video but It can see it's a second year base on her tie. I got mad and worried at the same time, I stand up and went to the door but Nozomi stop me "Elichi stop-- let's ask maki about it first" she said I sigh and nod to her. We went to the first year's classroom to ask her but she's not there; where's Maki? As we enter the classroom maki's classmates look so worried. By that we talk to Rin and Hanayo, they said they saw the video and it spreads around Otonokizaka High.

I ask them where they found the video; Hanayo said some unknown person sent it to her and her classmates. Nozomi went to the blackboard and spoke "I know you all worried about your classmate, Nishikino Maki-- but don't you worry, the student council will take care of it. As for now, please don't threat the second years about this incident." Nozomi said in polite way and went to me. "Good job" I said and smiled at her. After that we went to the Principal's office, someone send the video to her too. She made an anouncement to suspend today's class to all year levels except the second years.

Suddenly the phone ring, the principal pick it up. We hear screaming on the phone; I look at Nozomi and she whispered "Is the Nishikinos' " she said. I look at her in shock. The video not just spread in Otonokizaka, it spread out outside school. The principal put the phone down and spoke "Maki's Father called, He told me he saw the video of her daughter threating in the school rooftop." She said in a serious way by that her daughter came in. "Mom we saw the video." Kotori said "I saw the video too kotori that's why were discussing about it" she said. "We'll take care of it Principal Minami" I said, Nozomi nudge "Are you sure you can handle this situation elichi?" She ask. The truth is I don't know how to handle it. "Are you sure Ms. Ayase?" She ask "yes maam, I'm sure of it." I said and she nod. We leave the office and went to the clinic, The principal told us that maki is on the clinic; resting.

I open the door we saw maki sleeping peacefully. Her uniform got a little mess up; poor maki, who did this kind of thing? ;Nozomi slowly waking up on maki. Maki open her eyes and she look at us "what happen to you?" I ask in concern "I just trip and fell" she said. I look at Nozomi and she look at me "w-why you two look terrified?" Maki ask. I put out my phone and show the video. Maki's expression were shock and terrified at some point. "Who did this to you?" I ask. Maki didn't speak up, I put her hand on her shoulder.

"Maki I know it's you on the video, so tell me who did this to you and we will help you." I said in concern maki look down thinking what to do then Nico came in "Maki! I saw the video who did this to you!?" Nico said in panic; well that was unsual to nico. "Nicochi calm down."Nozomi said. "Honoka did it." Maki said and we all look at her "Are you sure?" I ask; I mean why Honoka did that to her? And honoka can't do that to us. Maki nod slowly, Nozomi look at me and stand up "I'll talk to Honoka." She said and Nico and maki stop her "No! Don't." She said and Nozomi look at maki. "Why?" She ask, maki look at Nico and she look at her. "Listen, She's not what you think she is. She's not clumsy,lovable and Caring leader we know." Nico said.

"She's abusive, violent and a murderer" Maki said Nozomi look at me "you girls must be over reacting a bit." I said; really though... this gives me the creeps "Honoka won't do that to anyone especially murder." Nozomi said in a polite way "then explain this" nico said and pointed at maki. "Maybe there's a explanation behind it." I said. Then maki get frustrate, "Nico was telling the truth okay. She told me Honoka did this to her" she said and pointed at Nico's hands "I have proof for that." I said and grab my phone. I open the voice recorder.

Voice Recorder

'That's maki's hair. If you tell her or the rest of muse about this, you'll be next in my death list.'

"Oh my god." I said in disbelief; her voice, it's different; How I didn't notice it? I look at Nozomi and she started to cough badly "N-Nozomi!" I said in concern then I suddenly feel uneasy that I started to cough. W-what is this!? Moments later Nozomi pass out in the ground; my eye sight turn to blur. I can hear Maki and Nico screaming our name, my body is getting weaker. I'm slowly passing out. Am I gonna die? Sunddenly I pass on the floor.

Several Moments Later. . . . . .

Hospital. . . .

"M-mn..What happen." I said feeling dizzy. "E-eli!" Nico said and stand up "A-are you feeling alright!?" Nico said in panic "Nico I'm fine, w-where's nozomi?" I ask. Nico didn't answer "Nico, where's Nozomi?" I ask again but in a worry tone. "A-about that..." Nico said looking down; I don't like this. Suddenly Honoka and the others came "Eli!" Honoka said and I move away from her "stay away from me Honoka!" I scream. Honoka stop and everyone went silent "O-okay, but thank god your awake." Honoka said and went to kotori and Umi. I calm myself down and maki in the other hand, made a 'act normal' sign on me.

"Sorry about that Honoka, It's just about the video" I said and Honoka face turn to creep one I gulp and look away; Now I know why Nico and Maki warn me and Nozomi about it. "Are you feeling alright eli? Maki said you cough blood with Nozomi in the infirmary." Umi said in concern. "Yeah, I'm fine but where's Nozomi? Were is she?" I ask badly. Maki sigh and look at me "You two got food poisoned, but luckly for you it wear off quickly." Maki said "then what happen to Nozomi" I ask; I don't know what to do with her. "She's... in the O.R" maki said in a sad way. My heart ached; N-n-no...


. . . . . . . .

Eli: Dammit Author!

Author: why!?

Eli: what are you gonna do to her!?

Author: C-calm down E-eli, you'll see it in my next chapter...

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