l.a. baby • ch. 3

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hello beautiful ppl! hope u ur having a good day! as i said before i dont post on saturdays, on sunday i was helping a church friend, and yesterday i truly lost track of time and im super super sorry but no more excuses i'm really gonna try and have a chapter up daily, but here's chapter 3! as u can see i love the jonas brothers, go stream "lovebug " cause it's superior. i'll stop talk now. enjoy! 💜

psa: don't mind the time stuff it took a long time to finish this cause i procrastinated 😭

song: l.a. baby (where dreams are made of) - jonas brothers


after nini and ricky parted ways all nini could think about was the curly haired boy. oh boy. this wasn't gonna end well for anyone. she couldn't get his stupid, bright, amazing, smile out of her mind.

she was now in her hotel room, she of course was in her own room, again because of the couples. they told her to bunk in one of there rooms but she did not wanna be a third wheel.

she was thinking of texting ricky but opted not to, fear of rejection was a big one in her book.

they were all hanging out in nini's room laughing, talking, and eating.

she all of the sudden got a text. which was weird, considering her friends were here in this room and her moms are at work.

 which was weird, considering her friends were here in this room and her moms are at work

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ok. why was it so adorable that he put a space between "can" and the exclamation point? nini had no idea. but it was a thing.

she internally squealed like a 2 year after having soda for the first time.

she wanted to jump but didn't. she kept her cool looking at the screen thinking on how to respond.

why was this so difficult? this is one of the many, many, reasons being an over thinker is sucky. it's truthfully the worst overthinking every tiny decision.

she decided to just go with the flow. not think to hard about it. just do what felt right.

here goes nothing..

here goes nothing

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