its nice to have a friend • ch. 9

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hi! hope u enjoy this chapter, im gonna cut this short so i can talk my butt of at the end!! hope u have a blessed day/night 💜

don't forget to comment! y'all are rlly funny tbh 😭

song: it's nice to have a friend - taylor swift


"how, did it take me so long to realize?" howie said in disbelief.

"take you so long to realize what?" nini asked as she and ricky joined the group, a bit later. sitting in the grass.

she had to change and then they had to run over to ricky's hotel room, so he could change- it was a whole thing.

"there you guys are" ashlyn sighed.

"we had to go to my room so my could change" ricky spoke.

"and what was it that you couldn't believe?" nini said facing howie a bit, as she was leaning into ricky.

"that i didn't know ash and ej are COUSINS" he says in disbelief.

"in conclusion, he thought he was smart, he's not, and he's shocked" carlos summarized.

seb smacked his arm, but all he did was shrug.

everyone else laughed at the scene.


they started walking around just enjoy each others' company as the festival started.

this was until ashlyn noticed that hoodie.

she would've anywhere. if you knew ricky bowen, how couldn't you.

they were at a sort of halftime thing. like a break for the artists, and people.

so ashlyn walked up to nini, who was hugging ricky, looking up at him.

giggling and smiling at something they were talking about.

"i truly hate to interrupt your your cute fest, but is that ricky's hoodie?" she asked as they looked at her.

nini looked down then back up to meet the red head's eyes.

"uh, yeah-" nini started, ricky cutting her off.

"she got cold, and we were in a rush, it's not a big deal" he said playing with the ends of her hair.

this action very much sent goosebumps down her spine. she held him a bit tighter, pulling him closer.

"while we're on the topic of questions, neens?
why are your eyes bloodshot?" carlos butted in.

ricky looked down at her and said "let's just say we've both had a roller coaster of a day" he patted her head.

they both laugh. ashlyn and carlos looked at each other and decided to leave them be.


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