your love's like • 21

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hiii ! here's chapter 21 !!!!  it's short but enjoy! give ideas of where you want this story to go ! bye bye :)


song: your love's like - sabrina carpenter


"oh my gosh" ricky said walking out of nini's bathroom.

she set her phone down, "what?" she said cuddling into his side as he laid on her bed.

"i just realized i haven't watched nor read 'the fault in our stars' since we met. that's absurd. it's literally what brought us together" he said shaking his head.

"oh well i have the dvd we can watch it now if you want"

"yes please!" he said with a smile.

"it's in my closet i can go get it-" she was about to get up but ricky beat her to it.

"i'll get it" he said kissing her head.

she smiled softly.

he set it up and they watched the thing that brought them together.


they finished the movie.

both with tear stained faces.

they looked at each other and they burst out
laughing, through their tears.

"we're hot messes" nini said wiping their tears.

"you got the hot part right" he said winking.

she rolled her eyes and he laughed brightly.

"i love you panini"

"i love you, icky"


they spent the day talking. whispering random things that made no sense to outsiders like ourselves but it was what made them. them.

"have i told you how lucky i am that i met you?" he said moving the hair from her face.

she rubbed her hand over his soothingly, "maybe, maybe not" she smiled.

"well then, i'm very very very very lucky i met you. you're my favorite thing ever. and i hope you never forget that"

she blushed and giggled making him smile brightly.

"i love you" she said kissing his cheek.

"i love you more" he said kissing her nose, which made her scrunch it adorably. (which made his heart explode into butterflies).

"gosh i will never get tired of saying that" he mumbled staring into her eyes, expecting her not to hear.

"me either" she said before pecking his lips.
rini is so soft ugh. ✋😩

another qotd: favorite artist?

i have wayyyy too many but uHm; josh and liv ofc. taylor swift, sabrina carpenter, the jonas brothers, one direction, tate mcrae, lauv, and i cant rly think of anyone else rn lol.

(sorry for any grammatical errors i didn't proofread correctly 🙂)

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