love somebody • ch. 19

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i did y'all dirtyyy the last chapter ik. if ur seeing this on fridayyy that means u asked for a double update, and ur wish got answered. if not...oh well that's on you guys :D

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song: love somebody - lauv

(just him hugging a girl for 2+ minutes straight)

"nini, are you ok?" he asked as he wiped her falling tears.

she broke down crying in his arms. and it fully broke his heart.

he kissed her head as he held her.

she looked up at him with her sad eyes.

"talk to me" he whispered quietly.

she breathed out unsteadily.

"people use that word so lightly these days and then they end up not in love. and it hurts to think that you're saying it when in reality its possible it could be untrue when i feel for you what i've never felt for anyone else" she said holding her legs to her chest as ricky rubbed his hand up and down on her back.

he sighed, knowing exactly where she was coming from..he used to think the same way.

but then she came into his life..out of no where. and changed his whole perspective, on- everything.

he cupped her face in his hands, "well, we aren't those other people. i'm here to tell you that i'm so utterly and completely in love with you. and i have no clue where i'd be if you weren't here with me tonight. and really really really really reallyyy," they laughed through their tears.."hope that you love me too, really" he said letting a tear slip.

she put her hands over his, her voice shaking with emotion.

"i love you too ricky" she smiled.

and their lips met in the middle.


he had his arm around her as she was nearly asleep on his chest.

"i love you" she said with a baby-like smile.

"you've said it 15 times since the first. and although i'm very grateful you do, are your lips not tired of repeating the same three words?" he said with a smile.

"nope" she giggling.

"in that case, i love you too" he said kissing all over her face making them both giggle and laugh in complete bliss.

so this is what its like to be in love with someone. and not just to love someone...see the difference?
i think we only have a few chapters left which rly rly rly sucksssss, bUT ! go read "i love him" !!!!!!!! its good i promise.

love you guys !!! till next time :) 💜

(sorry for any grammatical errors!)

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