A modern Hamilton au (set pre-covid). It's kind of a slow burn but not so slow it hurts. Lams (Hamilton x Lawrence) past Lafayette x John. There's more info in chapter 1 of the fanfic.
I slowly wake up, unwilling to open my eyes. The events of last night flood into my memory. Alex brought weed, we played a game, and then.....He slept over! I dart up and look to my side, but Alex wasn't there. I go to check my phone, realizing that I haven't checked it for a while.
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I roll my eyes. It seems that Peggy already Knows I'm helplessly single. I love the girl, but she can just read me too well. I completely forgot about that stupid dance. I put my phone down and decide to look for Alex. Just as I'm about to do that my bedroom door opened and in came a freshly showered Alex, drying his hair. Shit, he was hot. "Oh, your up! Good Morning." He says. Ok at this point I have a small, well, decently sized, problem. Luckily for me, my large hoodie seemed to cover it pretty well. "M-morning Alex," I try to say calmly, while mentally scolding myself for getting a boner. Alex seems to have not yet noticed my situation so I get up and grab some clothes. "I'm going to hop in the shower," I say, half hurrying. Now, this is where the real problem starts, is it ok to jack off to your best friend? Well, I just had to get it over with. After *cough* solving my problem, I finished my shower and went to get dressed. I decided on a pair of acid-washed ripped Jeans and my MCR hoodie. I walk into my room to see Alex combing through his hair. I plug in my hairdryer and proceed to dry my hair. Normally I find it embarrassing to do my hair and makeup in front of people, but Alex has seen my morning routine before so I don't care much. I don't wear much makeup. Most days I just put on a moisturizing primer. But sometimes I'll put on a full face. Today though I'm choosing the first option. Alex watches me as I put in a pair of simple metal earrings. "I didn't notice you had your ears pierced John," Alex said, lightly caressing my ear. Don't react don't react. "Uh yeah, I got them done a couple of months ago," I say, trying not to blush, "They look nice," Alex said, putting his hands on my shoulders, looking at me in the mirror. I saw my reflection start to turn pink. "Th-thanks" I have felt incredibly awkward ever since I acknowledged my feelings for Alexander. "Ready to go?" Alex asked, grabbing his bag. "Yep!" We barely make it to the living room before we are stopped by Samuel. "Did you have to have a guy over?" Samuel asked in a condensing tone. I see Alex about to say something. I grab his wrist and shake my head, knowing that that wouldn't amount to anything good. Unfortunately, Samuel saw that and thought of another way to be a dick. "My God, don't tell me you gays were sewing last night. For shame." He said in his annoying ass voice. I saw Alexander's face redden, from anger or embarrassment, I couldn't tell. I let go of his arm and slightly raised both arms, silently telling him to go off. "Ok, First off! You have the wrong idea! And Second! What do you care if I was screwing John all through the night! It's not like it affects you, so stay out of our sex life!" Alex barks at Samuel. I feel myself turn red as he talks about us theoretically having sex. Like how can you so casually say that! "Of course it bothers me! It's not natural for a guy to like a guy! It's sick!" Samuel yells. They were starting to get pretty loud. Alex looks more pissed off. They start yelling back and forth, I quickly stopped understanding what they were saying. I felt myself flinch at every word they yelled. I lost all sense of thought as I felt my knees weakening. As the two kept on yelling back and forth I felt tears form in my eyes. Not here not here, I think to myself. Despite how close me and Alex are, he has never seen me cry. Hell, most people haven't. And I definitely didn't want that to change anytime soon. I felt the tears stream down my face as I pressed against the wall as to not loses my balance. I felt like I was drowning in the loud voices. I covered my ears and closed my eyes. "suus 'ok, Vos erant' iens ut bene sit," I quietly mumbled to myself. Latin was almost all my mother spoke, the language in its entirety is comforting to me. I quietly mutter that to myself repetitively.