Chapter 2

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"Ok, here's a roasted white chocolate coffee with almond milk base," I mumble as I pass the drink to the customer. They mutter a thanks and make their way out. I like my job, it might not have the best pay, but it works. I look at the clock in the back. Pretty much time for me to close up, so as long as no one comes in....*ding*

Of course.

I look over to the entrance to see who just walked in. To my delight, it was just Alex, but he was definitely holding his jacket weird. "Hey John!" He says, over excitedly. "Hey Alex? Are you smuggling something in your jacket or are you just happy to see me?" I ask jokingly. He lets out an airy chuckle. "Ah, uh is your shift almost over?" I was a bit shocked by his question, and how he still hasn't told me what he is so obviously smuggling under his jacket. I look at the clock again, it's close enough for me to leave. "Yeah, I'm good to go," I say. "Good good good, let's go!" Alex was talking really fast. I take off my work apron and take my hair out of its net and put it in a messy ponytail. I look over to Alex, who quickly looks away. Once he sees I'm ready he gets all excited again and practically pulls me over the counter. I lose my balance and fall into Alex. Luckily, the shorter boy managed to keep us both up. He grabs me by the shoulders, making sure I have my balance. Holy shit we were close! I could feel his breath and smell his cologne. It smelled nice. "Be careful!" I scolded him. "Yeah yeah sorry, let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and dragged me out of the cafe. I glanced at our joined hands and felt my face go red. I hope Alex didn't notice, that would be embarrassing. I slid into the passenger seat of Alex's car. "So, what do you have in your jacket? I directly ask this time. "Let's see," he opens the bag that was in his jacket, "2 Nutty buddy's, A half 'n half tea for you, green tea for me, aaand, 2 grams of pot," he lists the contents of the bag. "WHAT!" I yelled in shock when he said he had pot. "2 nutty Buddy's, a hal-" "I heard you! Are you out of your mind, you could be expelled." I say more calmly, smiling a bit "it will be fine, a bunch of people get away with this," Alex states calmly. "You're right, you're right. Are we doing it tonight?" I ask him, knowing that we will be fine. "If that's ok with you," Alex suddenly seeming a little bit anxious. "Ok, have you ever actually smoked weed before?" I ask, seeing Alex's nerves. "No, have you?" He admitted. "Yeah, Laff took me and Herc to his family's summer house for spring break, so we got stoned," I told him. "What about Aaron?" He asked confused, I laughed, "have you meet Aaron, he would just sit there and lecture us about how marijuana is a gateway drug." I joke, Alex starts laughing, which makes me laugh too. We laugh for a while, "oh my god that is definitely something Aaron would do," he says after we're done laughing, "so, we probably shouldn't go to my dorm," he explains. I think about what he said. He's right, we can't go to his dorm, but I don't know where George is going to be. But I'm willing to take that risk. "Well then we're going to my dorm, George's colleagues are always drinking and smoking anyway," I say. Alex nods in agreement. He drives us to my dorm, to my delight, George wasn't there. Alex grabs his bag of stuff, and I grab my bookbag. I unlocked the door and we walked in, "Do you have everything to do this?" Alex asks me. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure," I go to my small room and open the drawer on my nightstand. I dig around for a minute until I find the grinder and some cigarette paper. I go back to the living room, if you could even call it that, and see Alex putting the teas in the mini-fridge, I don't know if it's the nerves talking, but I just noticed how soft Alex's air looks. I must be out of my head. "I got everything," I say, putting my previous thought out of my mind. "Great! Can you, uh, roll it too," Alexander asks. I chuckle as I grind the bulbs of hemp. Then I start rolling the finely ground leaves into the paper. I look up at Alex as I lick the adhesive, I could have sworn I saw a faint blush on his face, but it was probably my imagination. I seal the joint and set it aside, "do you think you'll smoke a full joint because I think we should just split one," I say, glancing at Alex, "I mean, if you think that's best," Alex says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Alright, time for the fun part!" I say excitedly. I see Alexander's expression soften when he sees my excitement. I grab a lighter and light the end of the joint. I wrap my lips around the other, keeping eye contact with Alex the entire time. I breathe in the smoke and held it in for 3 seconds before releasing my breath. I threw my head back as I felt the rush go through my head I sighed contently as I handed the joint to Alex. He hesitantly wrapped his slightly chapped lips around the unlit end and breathed in. He holds it for almost 3 seconds and then coughs a bit. We chuckled a bit as I thought of a great idea, "how about we play truth or truth?" I suggest as Alex hands me the joint. "Isn't it truth or dare?" He asks in return, "yeah, but I don't want us to do anything too extreme while we're high, and besides, people tend to be the most honest when they're under the influence," I explained. Alex laughed and agreed to the game. "I'll go first, uh, where did you get the weed? I was curious as to where he got it. "you know the library I work at?" I nod, "the librarian sells it." He said. "Wait, Mr.Adems?!" He nodded. We kept on asking questions and passing the joint. Somehow I ended up on the floor, leaned against the couch....with Alex's head in my lap. I had the strange urge to play with his hair, it's probably just the weed. "Ok ok, are you a virgin?" Alex asks. I probably would have taken a spit-take had I been drinking something. "I mean, no," I answered. Alex darted up and turned so he was facing me. "What! Who! When! Spill the tea!" He says, suddenly very invested in my sex life. "Dude, Laff took me to his summer home," I said laughing, yet embarrassed. "So, you got stoned and boned," he teased. He can be such a smart ass. "I mean, yeah. Jealous?" I said teasingly. He gives me a mock laugh. I took a second to think of a good question for him. "Ah, have you ever-" I was cut off by The obnoxious King George and his mindless follower, Samual Seabury. "John! I hope you don't mind, I brought, oh, I see you also brought company." He said with a sour look on his face. Alex looked like he was about to say something, I grabbed his arm and shook my head. "Oh my goodness light a candle, I never pegged you as a stoner, but I guess that would be better than a homo," he laughed and high-fived Samuel. I quickly grabbed my stuff and went to my room, Alex followed, "good afternoon to you too," I sarcastically to George. After we were both in my small dorm room I shut the door. "Man he's such a dick!" Alex complains. I nod in agreement, flopping onto my bed. Alex sits by my head and starts to stroke my hair. I made a quiet, content sound. Alex chuckles and continues to play with my hair. "I guess I eventually have to go back to my dorm, or Aaron will have a fit." He said. "No, you're staying here tonight, there is no way I'm letting you wander around campus higher than a kite." I clarify. "You make an airtight argument, as always." He agreed. I, unwilling, sat up. Alexander's hand fell to his side. I walked to the small dresser in the corner of my dorm. "I think I still have some of your clothes here from the time you and Aaron were fighting," I say as I look through my bottom drawer. I hand Alex his grey 21-pilots shirt and a pair of his sweatpants and then grab a big hoodie and a pair of turtle pajama pants for myself. We get changed quickly. I undo my ponytail and started to brush it out as Alex makes himself comfortable in my bed. I roll my eyes, he always has a way of making himself at home. I turn off the light and crawl into bed next to Alex. Alex's arm hovers over me, trying to find a place to drop it. After a minute he sighs and just draped it over my waist, I froze for a second, having to remind myself how to breathe. "So, what were you going to ask me?" Alex whispers. I could feel his words on my neck. "What are you talking about?" I whisper back. "Right before George walked in." He clarified. "Oh, have you ever slept with a guy?" I asked, still in a whisper. "I mean, I am right now," he says jokingly. I swear I stopped functioning when he said that. I barely manage any words, "I meant sex" I squeak out. "I'm kidding, but to answer your question, no." He answered. He slightly tightened his grip around my waist and slightly nusseld his head into my shoulder. "Night john," he said quietly. "Night" I am suddenly extremely aware of Alex, I look down at him and saw how his skin practically glowed in the moonlight. I definitely get what Eliza sees in him. I mean he's funny, attractive, kind, ambitious, hell if Angelica didn't bat for the other team they'd almost be a match made in heaven. I really have a lot of competition.....what am I thinking, I don't like Alex like that, he's my best friend. My handsome, perfect, amazingly considerate best friend. Then it dawned on me. I have a crush on Alexander, on my closest friend.

Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have lots of ideas for this story and can't wait to get them out in story form! Well, I don't want to was any more of your time. Happy reading ❤

Word count: 1851

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