Gray POV (He's back)

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The above video is not made by me. It is a clean version I found on youtube, I do not own the song, the video, the pictures, anything. All things go to their rightful owners. I found this video from a youtube channel called "Mika Swift". All the editing goes to her/him. I do not own anything. This is clean version on "Shake It Off" By Taylor Swift.

Knock Knock. I got excited. I was expecting a letter. A letter that would tell me that I had my job back in the Sydney Opera House. I didn't tell Carmen that I had applied because there was a 50% chance I wouldn't get it. I opened the door to see a letter. I ripped the envelope and took out the clean paper inside. Deep breaths Graham. DEEP breaths.

"Okay, you got this man." I mumbled to myself. I flipped the paper over to read the tiny print.

Graham Llewellyn Calloway, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as Lighting Person Number #1 at The Sydney Opera House. You will get an email from manager Charlotte Monrona, to discuss your first day joining us. We welcome you with opera

~Home of HP

I felt my mouth curve up as I read it. I placed the letter on the wooden desk in my room.

"Yes!" I said loudly, probably disturbing the residents in the rooms beside me. On my phone, I put my motivation song,"Shake It Off" By Taylor Swift. I pressed play and started jumping high in the air and singing along.

"I sHaKe iT oFf, i sHAkE it OfF," I screamed and started doing the Macarena.

"You got me this far Taylor Swift!" I yelled and kept dancing vigorously.

"HEY!" I heard someone bang on the door.

"People are trying to relax!" The person said and I completely understood. But that didn't stop me from turning the music on higher...

"SHAKE IT OFF DUDE!" I climbed on my bed and used my invisible guitar to block out his creative words. I fell back on the bed and then stopped. I paused the music and my smiling face turned off. If I was going to go... what would happen to me and Carmen? I smashed my invisible guitar.

Well... I haven't been updating. I'm sorry, I've been busy with other stuff.  Will you forgive me my frens? Please? I will give socially distance hug... Okay, thank you. I knew you guys were nice. The song above is "Shake It Off" By Taylor Swift. It was pretty popular, so I assume you know it. But if you don't I linked a clean version of the song above (Lyrics might be altered). I don't own the song, or like the Macarena, I don't own that either. You guys know that, you have big brains. Have a good day!

~Queenie ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 

Virtual Hugs!

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