3.5K celebration (you guys make me do way to many of these)

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Okay, were back with ANOTHER CELEBRATION!!! You guys are so FAST! It wasn't long before that I did my 3K celebration! Soooo... There has been A LOT of drama recently. I'm just gonna answer some question about the book right now... I didn't really plan that the celebration would be this early.

Why do you do this?

Well... for writing I just kinda got into it. You know when your teachers would assign you to like right a story? Well I sucked at that! But, I really liked coming up with the plot (or rather seeing the characters make the plot) when I was writing. The stories were only like 1 page long, but who cares! For the drama part... It was all the characters. Carmen and Gray's relationship really backfired, I didn't plan that, I just wrote it :)

How long have you been writing?

Since I was just a little potato

And last question... who do you ship?

*If this is controversial I just want to say I respect everyones opinion

I ship...

Percy Jackson: Percebeth 

Keeper Of The Lost Cities: Sokeefe (don't come at me 🥺)

The Hunger Games: Well... I'm only on book two, so don't spoil, but right now it's Keeta/ Patniss

Well... that's basically it for now...🤗

Thank you so much for the support! Bye! 🥰

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