Carmen POV

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2 months later

It was finally time. Gray finally got to take time off of work and come and visit Argentina. I was so excited. I had the whole thing planned out. We'd go to the park, get some fro-yo, and then sit and talk while playing with Finn. It be perfect- Ding Dong Ding Dong. That was some vigorous doorbelling. I ran over to the door and quickly opened it.

"Gray-" I stopped before I looked at the tall man in a blue uniform behind me. The mailman.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was expecting someone." I say taking the package from his hands. He lifted his eyebrow.

"The love of your life?" he asked and kept a stern look.

"Well yeah, actually." I felt myself blush.

"Give up kid, it never works out. He's gonna do something completely stupid, won't know what, and then you're gonna fall on the hard cement ground of sadness and disappointment. That's what happened with my ex-girlfriend." I felt myself blush more and smile harder when I said,

"Gray's different. He would never keep secrets from me or hurt me." I fiddled with my fingers a little. He scoffed and gave me the paper to sign it.

"Good luck." He said as he walked back to his truck full of mail. I closed the door and took a minute of doubt. Would Gray really give me up for someone else? I put the package on the table as I heard another Ding Dong. No. Gray wasn't like that. I put a smile on my face, fully knowing that I had the best boyfriend that anyone could have.

Do you think Gray is a good boyfriend? I mean... he got her a cat.

BTW the image on top is a picture of what I think Finn looks like.

Thank you sooooooooo much for 2K views. You people are amazing, I love you. I want to do the best for you every time I write a chapter and I appreciate you. Thank you so much. Now we're 2.1K. Amazing!

~Queenie <3

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