Chapter 20

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{Midoriyas POV}

"So I won't see you?"

I was on a call with Kacchan, I wanted to see him at school but looks like I wouldn't be able to.

"No sorry. I'll be in class and I don't think a student will show you around.

"Ok, I guess I'll meet you after school?"


"Alright- oh! And what will Ka-.. Kira, be doing while we're gone?"

"Oh I asked him to research the Todorokis sense you'll be busy."

"Sounds good to me. Well I'll see you later then!"

We hung up and I processed to get dressed. I wore a pair of jeans and a gray hoodie. I quickly ate breakfast and grabbed my things. I wanted to go as soon as possible.

"My Izu! I don't remember you ever being so excited for school!"

Huh. Guess I wasn't a fan of school.

"Well, I'm just excited to be back I guess!"

She gave a warm smile. "Well I'm glad! Let me just finish getting ready then we can head out!"

I nodded and sat on the couch.

{Le Timeskip}

"- and that's the north hall."

I nodded. We were at the school and were being shown around. It was quiet boring, I already knew where everything was so there really was no use for a tour. However it was nice to get to see the school again. I even saw Kacchan a few times whenever he'd be out of class.

We did a bit more walking and we're heading for the library when I suddenly felt dizzy. For a moment my legs started to wobble and my vision began to blur. Thankfully, my mom and the director were ahead of me so they didn't notice.

"Um, Im sorry to interrupt, but is it alright if I stop by the restroom?"

He nodded. "Of course. There's one just down the hall to your right. We'll be waiting right here."

I nodded and gave a quick thanks before speed walking to the bathroom.

I entered and ran to the sink. I felt everything around me move and I gripped the sink just to keep balanced. I felt my breathing getting heavier and more inconsistent.

As I stood there, I heard a faint voice behind me.

"Are you alright?"

I turned, but only saw a blob of black and two red dots.

I tried to say I'm fine, but I couldn't stop slurring the words. They looked around frantically before dropping to the ground. I heard them dig through what I assume was their backpack.

They pulled something out and came closer to me. For some odd reason, I didn't feel the need to get away. I sensed no danger at all. They grabbed ahold of me, leaning me against the wall and helping me slid down the wall to sit in the ground. They then opened something and carefully got closer.

"Here, just look up and I'll give it to you."

I glanced to see a water bottle in their hands. I tilted my head up and closed my eyes as the cold water traveled down my throat. Slowly but surly, I drank some water before opening my eye slightly.

In front of me, a kid with black hair almost covering his bright red eyes kneeled in front of me.

Being close enough to not be blurry, I widened my eyes in realization and began to choke on the water. Be quickly backed away and I let out a few coughs.

He got up to his feet. "I'll get back some help!"

He turned to leave but I grabbed his leg. Barley being able to talk, I was able to let out a small 'no' and continued to cough. He kneeled back down to me, panic in his eyes as he tried to talk of something to do.

"I- I don't know how to help you! Do you- do you know more water?! U-uhm is there someone I can c-call?"

I shook my head and felt my throat start to clear up. I let out a few more coughs before clearing my throat.

I took a deep breath and smiled up at him. "Thank you."

My voice came out raspy, but he smiled none the less and handed me his water bottle.

"N-no problem! Are you alright?"

Taking a sip of water, I nodded. I bowed my head, "Midoriya."

I looked back up at him and seemed nervous, but bowed back. "Kirishima."

I smiled. No wonder Kacchan didn't recognize him, his black hair made him lost in a sea of others. Normally, we would be able to spot him because of his hair, but now that I see him without the red spikes, it's like seeing someone completely new.

I didn't realize I zoomed out until he shyly waved a hand in front of me. I snapped out of it and shook my head.

"Hey, are you sure you're alright? I could get a teacher or maybe-"

"Can I have your number?"

We both froze. I didn't mean to say that out loud!

"I-I mean in a friendly manner! I'm new so I'd like to be friends!"

We were both embarrassed over it but were able to settle down. "S-sure?"

And just like that we exchanged numbers. He helped me up from the floor made sure I was alright.

"I'm alright, really!"

"Alright. Here you can take my water bottle for te rest of the day."

He handed me the bottle and a thought crawled into my head.

"Wait, shouldn't you be in class?"

He froze, he shrugged and gave a small smile.

"I don't really get along with much of the students. Plus it's gym hour and I'd rather hide out than participate."

"But what about getting strong? You know, to be a manly hero!"

He held a laugh. "I'm sorry, 'manly'?"

Guess he didn't use that word here.

"Y-yeah! That way you can go on to become a cool hero and- wait, shouldn't you have already taken the test?"

He shook his head. "The exam isn't until next week, but I'm not planning to take them."

A confused look came onto my face. "You're not? But, why?"

He shrugged and looked down at his feet. "I'm not hero material."

"What! Sure you are! With your quirk you can do so much damage!"

"Not really, it's not that cool and I'm weak so-... wait, how would you know how much damage my quirk could do?"

I gave a nervous laugh. "Y-you told me! A-anyways I've got to go!"

I ran past him and stopped right at the door. I turned back at him, looking at him one last time for who knows how long until I see him again.

"But don't think you're weak. I know that you'll go on to do great things, and even a great manly hero!"

I then walked out the bathroom, leaving Kirishima to think about what I said.

Yeah I have no excuse as to why I'm taking long to write this tbh ,_,

All I can really say is that I keep changing my mind with how I want to the story to go and when I though of this idea I didn't plan out all the details so pelase bare with time throughout this

Ok that's it, bye bye and have good day :)

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