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{Dekus POV}

I woke up to someone nudging my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw my mother in front of me.

"Izu it's time to get up honey. Are you feeling well?"

I blinked a few times and nodded. She laid the back of her palm on my head, followed by a sigh and small smile.

"Still a little warm, but I'm sure you'll be alright by tomorrow."

I smiled back. I snuggled up to the blanket and tried to lay back when I realized I wasn't in bed, but in a chair.

My eyes flow open at the realization that Kacchan was on the bed. My eyes darted to the bed, but nothing. My mother looked at me worried.

"What is it honey? Is something wrong?"

She looked back to the bed then back at me. "I sure hope you're looking at the mess on your bed. I'm not sure what you were doing last night but you should really keep your bed clean enough to sleep in."

I nodded and smiled. She turned to leave and spotted the still full bowl of soup. "You really should eat more, don't want you being hungry now do we. I'll also buy you some eye drops, your eye is looking very red right now."

She took the bowl and left. Immediately after the door shut I looked under the bed but saw nothing but shoes and trash. I looked in the closet but nothing. This was weird, instead of Kacchan being on the bed, it was full of clothes and a few of my journals. What happened while I was asleep?

I reached into my pockets for my phone seeing as I fell asleep with what I was wearing yesterday and took out my phone. I looked my messages and saw nothing but a single one from my Kacchan.

"Went out. Be back later."

I sighed with a smile.

Well with Kacchan gone I couldn't think of anything to do. I changed into a clean set of clothes and checked the time. 9:34

The other Kacchan should be at school so I didn't have much to do. Alto Ight I remembered that Todoroki told me to meet him later on so I decided to get ready. Don't want to be late.

{Bakugou POV}

When I arrived, it felt weird. It was just like it was back home but was instead full of different people. I stayed close to the main gate as I waited for students to start entering.

When they started coming in, I looked closely for a certain pair of eyes. While watching them I heard something against the wind behind me and quickly reacted. I turned around but was met with the eyes that I was looking for.

"Ah! Sorry I just saw you here and thought you need help! Are you lost?"

I studied him. He had black hair that passed his shoulders and bangs that almost covered his eyes. He was small, maybe even a little taller than Deku.

"Uh, yeah. I'm looking for Toro- no Toraburu. Or you might now him as-"


I nodded and he only smiled.

"Well you're in luck! Because you're looking at him!"

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