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Au- Like a medieval kingdom theme I guess 

Personalities of the (important) characters
Musashi- Flirtatious, caring, a lil bit pervy
Kenshirou- Kinda a Tsundere
Enki- Protective, quiet
Jyugo- Jyugo

Type of fic- Fluff, a little angsty, some kissing, a little gore here and there nothing serious though, happy ending, comedic obviously I'm just a joke at this rate🤌🌮😢

Side note- Kenshirou and Musashi can both see fine/Enki, Samon, and Kenshirou all grew up together super poor/Kenshirou has a tragic past

Kenshirou- Palace Guard
Enki- Ex Palace Guard

Cussing- A lot

Length- Around 15,400 words so kinda long I guess

Logic- A good amount but not always, I had a plan then I didn't follow through

Kenshirou's POV

I was doing my usual rounds patrolling the castle when I thought I saw a figure scaling the castle wall. I went over to try and see to confirm my suspicions but it was extremely dark out, my lamp went out a few minutes ago, so I had to rely on my other senses.

I stood next to wall trying to see if I could hear some type of breathing and tried seeing if maybe some pebbles would fall down to indicate someone was climbing.

Instead of what I expected something extremely heavy landed on me.

"Ow what the," I sat up and my head collided with something else. When I looked up I was looking right into a pair of blue lights.

Wait those aren't lights? Are those eyes. My head is spinning. I tried poking at the possible person on top of me but they just grabbed my wrist.

"Shhhhh," They motioned with their finger in front of their lips. Wait what? God my head hurts.

I heard two other thuds next to us, then I finally realized what happened. I quickly pinned the intruder who landed on me, and tried seeing where the other two were.

"INTRUDERS!" I had yelled this at the top of lungs while keeping the guy pinned.

I quickly felt myself get pulled back by one of the other people with him. The person grabbed me and placed their hand over my mouth before I could shout again.

I saw the lighting system we had go off to indicate someone was here. I could finally see who the people were.

The guy with blue eyes was tan, taller than me, and had a strong build, he also has red\orange hair. The guy with his hand on my mouth was taller had pink/yellow hair, and a blue/white hat on. The last guy was also taller than me, had purple/green hair and appeared to be relatively stronger than the other two.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention something about the blue eyed guy, he's one of my most difficult escapist. His nickname is 634, he's been a thorn in my side the past two years. Every time I pursue him he always seems to manage to slip my grasp last second and I may or may not let him because I enjoy him.

I decided to bite the guy who had their hand over my mouth. I quickly looked at 634 and he just looked semi shocked.

"Ow what the fuck," They quickly let go of my me and got their hand off my mouth. So I turned around and grabbed my whip.

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