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It was a tough and hectic day in Dublin. The lads are to play two nights in one of the big venues and I was running around the city doing errands. These two nights are meant to be crazy but the first night was expected to be crazier because it was an all-age gig. After finishing the urgent tasks, I was hanging around just outside the back door doing last minute calls for stuff to be arranged on the next city.

“Great…thanks Ed…we’ll see you in a couple of days. Cheers.” I hung up on my phone and had the urge to pull out a cigarette and have a quick smoke. Today was extra stressful and I could really use a cig or maybe chocolates to ease some of my stress out.

The lads’ van just arrived at the venue and stopped in front of where I was standing.

“Hey Y/N, you’ve been here long?” Evan greeted me as he was the first one to hop off the van together with Niall. He was cradling a jug of what looked like tea.

“Hello Niall.” I gave a polite nod and smile to my boss before turning to Evan. “Yeah, just a couple of hours ago… You sick? What’s with the tea?” I touched the jug he was carrying and it felt warm. He was sniffing and rubbed his nose.

“Got the flu…” It was Pete who replied and slung his bag on his shoulder. He then let out a sneeze, his nose becoming red.

“Hmmm…and it spread to the band…” I softly mused.

“Yeah, expect it to spread to the whole crew too.” Pete waggled his eyebrows towards me.

“Hey, I can’t afford to be sick…” I said to myself as they began to unload stuff from the van and started bringing them inside.

“I’m on vitamins. You should be too.” Ross came out from the van carrying a guitar case and I greeted him with a smile.

“Well, I don’t really have time for vitamins…I keep forgetting it. It’s more important for you not to get sick, it will affect your voice.” I patted Ross’ shoulder and slightly push him to go inside the venue.

“Y/N?” I turned to the van thinking that one of the crew called me but I frowned because they were all busy unloading equipment.

“Y/N!” My head whipped to the sound of the familiar masculine voice and saw the source in front of the main entrance.

“Fuck…” I whispered. Why does it have to be today? Of all days?! I stood frozen in horror as my ex-boyfriend walked towards my direction. He had a girl in tow with him holding her hand and I felt a strange churning in my stomach. I was so not looking forward to this.

“Hey…” I tried to sound just a teeny bit enthusiastic but he knows me. He knows me too well and I hate it.

“Hey…what are you doing here?” He asked. There was that same cocky and sexy tone to his voice that I hated and liked at the same time. Oh why do we have to meet again?!

“Umm…I work here…with the band.  ”

I glanced at the girl who was staring at us expectantly, waiting for an introduction.

“You go ahead, I’ll meet you inside.” The Ex said to his girl and she reluctantly let go of his hand and casted me a suspicious look before she went off the entrance.

I shifted my feet uneasily and secretly hope that Niall or Chris would call me to do an errand or anything just to get away from him. This Ex still had a control over me every time we meet that’s why I tried to avoid him at all cost whenever we are in Ireland.

 “Let’s talk later.” He said breaking the awkward silence and I can feel his eyes staring at me.

“I’m busy.”

Confessions of the Band P.A.: Saved (The Strypes)Where stories live. Discover now