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“Why do you look so glum?” Evan sat in front of me during breakfast. As usual, we were the first ones up in the morning. We were in Belgium, our second day and having breakfast at the hotel. The gig last night was followed by a small after party so everyone was kind of waking up late this time. The lads will be having a 15-minute set for a television show at 4pm before we’ll be off to Germany.  

“Morning Ev.” I sighed and looked down at my sad cup of coffee. “I don’t know…I just feel sluggish.” I’ve been feeling like this since I woke up despite the fact that I didn’t drink a single alcohol last night. Evan and I were instead happily sipping on milkshakes while the other lads – including Ross (who was about to get some scolding from Chris when he wakes up for sure) – chose to indulge themselves in beers and tequila shots.

I must give props to Evan for being ‘quite set in his ways.’ I’ve never seen him drink one bottle of beer, or even took a sip. Don’t know how long will he hold out though. After all he is a cold-blooded Irish lad, drinking is most likely part of his genes.   

“You’re not sick are you?”

I gently shook my head at Evan’s question and took a sip of my coffee.

“I don’t think so…just sluggish…” I do feel heavy on my stomach area that’s why I decided not to eat solid foods this morning.

“Maybe you just need a boost.”

“Like what kind of boost?” I asked while finishing the last contents in my coffee cup.

Evan tilted his head “More coffee perhaps?”

I warily looked down at my empty cup before saying to him, “This is my third cup actually.”

He stopped in mid-bite of his toast and snorted at me in disbelief. “That is excessive, Y/N. You have surpassed the right amount to boost your energy that your body can’t handle it. Maybe that’s why you’re feeling sluggish. Does that make sense?”

I frowned at his quite lengthy opinion and obviously not getting it. It’s nine o’ clock in the morning for Pete’s sake.

“Whatever.” Evan just shrugged it off.

“Morning!” We both turned at Josh who joined us at the table and settled his plate of food. He was already dressed and properly showered. He was too early for today after that partying and drinking last night.

“Morning Josh, you’re up early.” I stared at him quite amused because he didn’t look like he was hung over.

“Why do you look surprised?” Josh chuckled at me before taking a spoonful of cereal.

“You were drinking hard last night…no hang over?” Evan asked him, looking a bit surprised at the energetic Josh in the morning.   

“Surprisingly, none! I feel great!” He grinned at us. Josh was livelier than Evan and I.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Right…”

“And why do you look grumpy when both of us are wearing matching white jeans?” Josh continued with his cheery voice and pointed at my white pants.

“Oh…we do match…great…” I said in my least enthusiastic voice. Something was really up with me today.

“How happy are you?” Josh shook his head and glanced at me weirdly.

“Look lads, I have to go ahead and run around alright?” I stood up and dusted off my pants.

“Okay…have fun.”  Josh teased and I lightly smacked him on the arm. I gave Evan a short nod who nodded back while I grabbed my bag.

Confessions of the Band P.A.: Saved (The Strypes)Where stories live. Discover now