Chapter 3

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After a couple of minutes in the car, the group had finally arrived to their destination. Y/N was nervous, as she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of every single person at the party. As everyone got out of the cars, Y/N was immediately blinded by flashing lights. 'Paparazzi, great' Y/N. She shielded her eyes so she wouldn't be blinded.

"Come on, Y/N" Tony took her by the arm. As they walked through the crowd, their names were called by the people. They would shout at them if they didn't pay attention at them. They finally made it inside, where there was a chill mood. Y/N's face lit up like the 4th of July. "You like it so far?" Tony looked at Y/N for an answer. "This is amazing, Tony" Y/N breathed out. This made him happy. "Well, I'm going to the bar, have fun!" Tony walked off.

Everyone was talking to someone else, all except Y/N. She stood in the corner awkwardly whilst everyone else conversed. She looked around and spotted the one and only, Bucky Barnes staring at her. He was basically drooling. He quickly averted his eyes in embarrassment.

"Hey, Buck, you alright?" Steve put his hand on Bucky's arm. "Huh! O-oh, yeah I'm fine" Bucky avoided eye contact. "If you need anything, I'll be talking with Thor" Steve said. "Alright..." Bucky murmured. Steve gave him a concerned look, but nonetheless walked away.

Bucky, once again, looked at Y/N. "You should go talk to her" a familiar female voice said. "Huh?" Bucky was a bit startled. "Go talk to Y/N" Wanda repeated herself as she took another sip from her drink. "How?" He sighed. "Go up to her, start conversation" Wanda smiled. "...okay..." Bucky said shakily.

Y/N was looking out of a window when Bucky approached her. He was nervous. "Hey Y/N" Bucky managed to say. Y/N jumped at his voice. She turned her head, and once she saw who it was, she smiled. "Hi Bucky" Y/N warmly replied. The sound of her voice made him blush a bit. "How are you holding up?" Bucky stood next to Y/N, keeping a little space between them.

"Pretty good, I say, what about you?" She asked. "I don't know" he looked down and chuckled. "It's a pretty big party" Bucky spoke. "Yeah..." Y/N looked out the window once more. Bucky looked at her. She was so beautiful, the way her hair fell on her shoulders, they way her eyes glistened in the light. 'Everything about her is just so perfect' Bucky thought.

Y/N glanced at Bucky. "Is everything alright?" She asked. It caught Bucky off guard. "Yeah, you're just so fucking pretty..." Bucky accidentally said. Y/N decided not to make a big deal about it. "Steve doesn't like that language" Y/N giggled. Bucky realised what he said. He turned into a human tomato. "Sorry, it slipped out" Bucky apologised. "It's quite alright, no need to apologize" Y/N said in a caring tone.

Natasha walked over. "Hey guys! You two kissed yet?" She asked. Bucky tried to hide his face from any more embarrassment. Y/N looked at Natasha in a funny way. "Kidding" she laughed. After Bucky finally calmed down and looked at Natasha. "Well, you two seem to be enjoying each other" Natasha sarcastically remarks. "I'll leave you two alone" Natasha winks and walks away. There was a comfortable silence between you two.

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