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Sherlock called a cab as soon as John was ready. They where both wearing some comfy clothes that totally matched the situation and of course they had taken their bracelets of making the soulmarks visible. Deep down both happy but still awkward of the new situation that was created just because of Mycroft and Lestrade. 

The cab ride was silent and not many words where spoken until John felt himself uncomfortable with the dead pin silence. Sherlock was already waiting for John to have questions so he got mentally ready for whatever John asked.

"You have questions..."-Sherlock said softly.

"Where the Hell are we going again?"-John asked half pissed off, scratch that, fully pissed off.

"Where it all began, next question please..."-Sherlock said not removing his eyes from the window, to shy to look at John's face now knowing that this was HIS John and not just anyone.

"Why aren't we home trying to figure out what the Hell is going to happen with us."-John asked as a true mature person.

"Because Dr.Watson you must be starving, and I want to have a grate time rather than sit on my couch and watch Supernatural and eat crappy food."-Sherlock answered and that's where the cab stopped before John could say anything else.

Sherlock paid the cab and got off, John following him.-"Angelos?"-John asked as they stood in front of the small dinning restaurant.

"Yeep!"-Sherlock said popping the p in the end.-"Where it all started."

"Where you started to act like a dick you mean?"-John asked still a little pissed off.

"Mhmm...Good old times."

They walked inside, the usual waiter Billy was there to take them to the table Sherlock had earlier reserved .-"Angelo had the table cleaned up by a boring couple just for your date."-he said addressing them both.

"Just date?"-John asked arching an eyebrow.-"Better than last time I guess."-He continued smiling nervous free.

"Angelo will be here anytime."-Billy said smiling at John's notice as he took their coats away.

Sherlock lead the way to their seat this time not looking out to watch a cabbie but just have dinner with his real date.-"1...2...3..."

"Sherlock!"-Angelo came from behind Sherlock and hugged him.-"I thought you forgot about this place."

"I would never, the chips here are bellow average wouldn't trade them with a five star ones."-Sherlock said clearly wanting to make Angelo feel appreciated.

"And you brought John!"-Angelo said now going over to hug him.-"How are things going these days for you two?"

"Perfect!"-John said pressing his lips together.

"Mora than glad to hear, anything you order is from the house for both of my love birds, and I'll bring a candle it will be 100% more romantic."-Angelo said rushing to leave the menus in the corner and bring a candle to their table than leaving with a blink.

"Shall we order than?"-Sherlock asked John who was playing with the table candle.



Later when the order came and the situation started to get warmer Sherlock slid closer to John trying to take the resting hands on his.

"You know Sherlock...The main reason I never tried to talk to you about relationships and soulmates ever again was because of what you told me right here years ago."-John said all of a sudden.-"And if you wouldn't had been a total dick, I would have known earlier."

Soulmates // JohnlockWhere stories live. Discover now