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In a world where people are blessed with having their soulmates names on their wrists two certain people are not...Simply because one name is really RARE and one name is a boys name and his parents are kinda' homophobic!

John Hamish Watson is the only male heir on Watson family. Harriet Watson is his best friend and sister he could ever ask for. Although after their soulmates marks started to appear she left because her dad Mr.Watson asked her to forget looking for her soulmate and go to boarding school but for the fates irony, her roommate turns out to be Clara and the rest of the story is known to history ;-) and after their marriage they even adopted a blond little baby girl named Rosie.(they never divorce on my story bichis')

When Mr and Mrs Watson found out about their kids being homo they saw it reasonable to teach them a lesson that not all soulmarks where supposed to appeal with their life options. And that they could be wrong...But could GOD'S words be written wrongly? TWICW? nah I personally don't thinks so!

John looked down a his had small carvings around each beautifully written letter of the small and bold name.- "William. Why did it had to be a boy."-he whispered to his sister.- "I mean it could be anyone but not a boy! Do you think think there could be any girl named William out there?"-John said but he in return earned a small snort from Harry.

(William Sherlock Scott Holmes by the way is Sherlocks full name. YES I did google it!)

"You are such a loser."-She laughed in silence so their parents wouldn't hear them in no ways.- "I mean look Johnny , I didn't tell our parents but I found my soulmate."

"WHATTT are you nuts! Father said there was no way the names where right!"-John almost yelled from under the sheets giggling like crazy along with Harriet.

"I know she is my roommate at the boarding school dorms! She also has family problems like us...But when we graduate that's it...We are leaving to live on London!"-Harry said still a wide smile planted on her face. That gave John strength, and maybe just maybe there was a chance that...NO there was no chance he would find his soulmate.

"But, Harry mom and dad will literally kill you!"-John said after he recovered from the gigglings.

"And that my dear brother is where you come in!"-Harry said earning an confused face from John that was hardly abled to notice in the dark under the sheets.

"Why do I come in?"-John whispered slowly his blond hair rubbing on the sheet as he tried to move his head to hear better what none-sense his sister was about to say.

"You, my dear brother will make sure, mom and dad wont find out about Clara and me, and to achieve that you will have to keep your mouth shut and don't believe any of the lies about soulmarks being messed up by god! God loves us John can't you see! And you will find William one day...Imagine his surprised face when he find out his Hamish is such a brave and beautiful blond haired, a little short and hedgehog like boy! I can't wait to shake his hand!"

John giggled at the thought,- "I don't know if I am as lucky as you Harry. And what if he doesn't like me?"

"I'll kick him in the ass! Plus Johnny why wouldn't someone like such a smart and brave man? Look Johnny I want you to promise me that you will always look around for William and find that little brat and love him till death do you apart."-Harry said her pinky finger holding on mid air.

John thought a second, what if...Just what if!- "I always will until I find him. But please don't tell dad I ever said that!"

"Yiiiiiisss! I will never tell him, I would never do that to you brother dear! Plus I am dying to meet William."- She said bopping Johns nose.

"And I am dying to meet my other sister Clara more than ever too, tell me more about her?"-John said smiling released.

Harry went on and on about her soulmate all night knowing that these nights would barely ever come again.


As for William Sherlock Scott Holmes he was the second and last born child of Mr and Mrs Holmes who loved Sherlock as much as their life. In Sherlocks 16th birthday in the date when the soulmarks start to take form, two proud parents where congratulating their kid for his soulmate's name.

Although Sherlock was now up in his room walking up and down on it aswhile Mycroft was standing in the corner sitting on the comfy chair near the window reading a book and looking at his brother ramble in panick.

"I mean how hard can it be to find him?! Hamish? Who the fuck names their kid Hamish? It's like they didn't want me to find him so they put a silly not so common name on him!"-Sherlock said not even taking a breath for a second as he walked slowly up and down his room.-"I will never be able to find him."

"Yours might be rare but look at mine! I already know 15 people named Gregory and none of them has my name on their wrists! You can just meet a Hamish and he is yours!"-Mycroft said looking up from his book to give Sherlock his usual annoyed smirk.

"Wait didn't the guardner at the house opposite to ours had his name Gregory?"-Sherlock said trying so hard not to laugh.

"Shut up or I will shove your ass down the toilet!"-Mycroft said is ears taking a spicy color from anger.-"You see what I have to deal with? Everyone all of a sudden is named Gregory!"

"Mine is not such a common name though. But Myc if I ever find him how do I find out that he is my Hamish?"

"Look at his wrist Duh!"- Mycroft said laughing at his brothers dumb question.

"Well thank you too much but I cant just grab his wrist and drag him along to show me his soulmark!"

"Simply ask him to show you Lockie, don't undress people in public."-Mycroft answered.

"Nah I can't do this! What if he doesn't feel the same? What if he hates me and he's not gay?"-sherlock said almost falling in his knees while being a drama queen.

Mycroft closed his book.-"Than live with it! There are millions of peoples out there without a soulmate! Take one and leave."

"That would be like cheating on Hamish!"

"NO! That would be like having a life without toxic people!"

"You are the worst for love advice! Why did I even asked you in the first place!"-Sherlock asked falling upright in his bed.

"You didn't ask me Lockie. You literally just dragged me from my room in the middle of the night and started to talk with yourself in my presence."-Mycroft said with his devillish smile.

"Shut up! I needed to tell someone and Billy doesn't show even the slightest interrest on the conversation."-Sherlock mumbled from under the pillow like some schoolgirl.

"That's probably because he's an empty scull!"

"He was once full at least!"

"For gods sake how can you sleep with that thing near you!"

"None of your business Myc!"

"Anyway! Tell me when you find your Hamish. I would like to tell him what grate mistake he is doing by choosing you!"-Mycroft said leaving Sherlocks room with a hidden proud smile on his face.

"Don't forget to look at the old and  ugly gardners soulmark! Maybe he's your soulmate!"-Sherlock teased from behind not moving his head from the pillows his mind only thinking about Hamish.

He just wished to find him one day...And he would never stop searching for his Hamish.Never!


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