Her Shitty Personality Takes Down Nine Guys

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Hana, followed by her two temporary servants, entered the field. She heard trainers call for the first-years to gather at Ground B, but she was more interested in glancing around the current field they were arriving at.

'Let's see, that man over there has the skills to be a regular. Tiny pinkie batting in the cage is probably also a regular. Glasses guy that looks like a Tanuki is that famous catche-'

Hana was interrupted by a loud scream and when she turned her maroon eyes towards the source, she found it to be a boy with brown hair who was panting in front of who she assumed to be the coach of the team.

"W-what was that?!" Sakazuki looked around the field trying to spot where the scream had come from.

"Can something like that even come from a human?" Tachihara chimed in as Hana pointed to the boy who drew her attention.

"I overslept because I was naive. I have no excuse. But I'm... I'm... I'm... I'M HERE TO BECOME THE ACE! I'm confident that I want it more than anyone here!" The brunette shouted his heart out to explain himself to the coach.

Onlookers couldn't help but stare at the boy's proclamation, leaving some shocked at his unfounded confidence. Hana and the principals walked towards a brown-haired lady wearing glasses with her hair in a ponytail.

"For someone that was yapping away like a chihuahua, that boy has got a set of lungs," Hana spoke, gaining Takashima Rei's attention. "but, well, it does look like he's an interesting character, to say the least." Hana grinned showing off her sharp teeth to the three adults looking at her.

"Empty words." The Coach finally responded to the boy, gaining the attention of the onlookers.

The boy took a step forward in irritation, "Who are you to judge what I say?! I'm being dead serious here."

There was a silence before the boy flinched, bringing his hand to his mouth. 'Crap! Manners.'

Coach Kataoka then turned around and made his way to the boy who was causing a commotion with an intimidating look on his face.

"I was just...." The boy sweated in fear of what was to happen once the coach got too close to him.

The principal was about to step forward to stop whatever he thought was going to happen when Hana stuck her arm out in front of the man, stopping him from interfering.


'Sama?' Takashima adjusted her glasses at the sight of the head of the school addressing a young girl so politely.

"You shouldn't interrupt a match between men, baldy."

"No, nono, nonono. Tokuchi-sama we don't condone viol-"

"Who said anything about violence, you idjit? Just watch." Hana lowered her arm, her sight being completely set on the spectacle happening in front of her.

The brunette boy flinched as the coach pulled back his arm, thinking he was going to get hit. Only for him and the onlookers to discover that the coach had pitched a baseball, it hit the fence on the far side of the field. The boy, as well as many of the onlookers, couldn't help but drop their jaws that the coach's show of power.

Many of the upperclassmen couldn't help but make comments as they watched their coach roll out his shoulder after that throw.

"Look at the faces of the freshman."

"Of course they're surprised! That man kicked a pro contract to teach at the school he graduated from. He hasn't lost his touch."

Coach Kataoka looked over at the boy, "You want to be the ace? Then words are useless. Prove it by action." and tossed a baseball towards him.

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