Of Joy and Sorrow

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Hana crossed her arms from her spot next to Chris as she listened to him talk about the new pitching form.

"Sawamura. In your new form, what do you think about when you throw? Or even what you feel. Tell me everything."

"What do I think...? I guess the right-hand wall? But I didn't know how to build the wall, so I've been clenching my glove like this when I throw," Eijun held out his glove and got into his windup stance, "When I tried it, it somehow worked."

"I see. Makes sense. By being conscious of your right hand, you're able to keep your body closed and increase your ball speed." Chris subconsciously cupped his chin as he recalled the pitcher's performance on the mound, "However, you're too focused on the wall and your right foot is turned in."

"Eh?" Both Sawamura and Hana widened their eyes. The pitcher couldn't believe that it had taken just three pitches for Chris-senpai to realize the reason behind his problem. The student coach couldn't believe that she had overlooked something so simple in all her earlier training sessions with the mutt.

"If your body grows accustomed to it, you might start throwing strikes that way, but it won't give you any ball control today. While still focusing on the right-hand wall, try to lunge with your right foot pointed straight to the plate," Chris squatted down and put on his faceguard, "We're short on time. Throw as many as you can."

Sawamura gave him a nod and spun on his heel to take his spot on the bullpen mound. Miyuki moved to stand behind Chris to get a catcher's viewing angle of the pitch. His brown eyes looked to his left, expecting to see Hana there, but blinked when the girl was nowhere to be found. He turned around only to see her standing behind the bullpen net that was meant to keep stray balls from flying out of the area. The second-year slyly grinned, seeing an opportunity.

"What's wrong? Scared of getting hit, Hana-chan?" Miyuki loudly asked her, garnering the attention of Eijun and Chris.

Hana placed her hands on her hips as she stared Miyuki dead in the eyes, "No way in hell I'm standing in front of a pitcher who can't control their pitch. That's just asking to eat shit."

Sawamura sent her an indignant scowl. She's the one at fault for making his pitches even crazier anyways!

Miyuki grinned, seeing that she didn't deny the accusation, "Haha you should have more faith in Chris-senpai. He won't miss a ball so you shouldn't be afraid of getting hit."

He made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Her hands flew up to grasp his forearms in surprise as she felt him tugging her away from the safety of the net.

"Oi! Wait!" Hana dug her heels into the ground in protest as she was effectively dragged to stand right behind Chris and in front of her previous inanimate shield.

Eijun and Chris could imagine cat ears and a tail on the girl, her fur bristling in alarm and claws threateningly out. But, alas, against someone who had half a head on her as well as being a full-blown athlete, her attempts at escape proved futile.

"Let go of me, you bastard."

"No 💖~"

Chris rolled his eyes at the squabbling children, "Go ahead and pitch, Sawamura."

'The right-hand wall. Right foot pointed to the plate...' Eijun ran through his two goals in his head, getting ready to start.

"Watch closely Miyuki," the catcher adjust his faceguard as he saw his battery partner begin his windup

The second-year finally let go of Hana as he put his full attention on the pitch that had earned such high praise from his senpai. Hana dusted off the imaginary dirt as she whipped out her phone.

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