My Way or the Highway?

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Hana sat on the couch, facing Takashima in the coach's office. Kataoka was out coaching the first-string leaving the two people in charge of the second-string in the room. Who was handling the second string at the moment you may ask? Takashima had left them some drills to run as she spoke with the still boycotted student coach.

"Have you apologized to the upperclassmen yet?"

Hana rested her cheek on her palm, "No? Why should I?"

"Those boys are prideful so I'm certain you offended them with your remarks the other day."

"But was anything I said wrong?"

"Sometimes, it isn't about what you say Tokuchi-san, but how you say them," Rei crossed her arms as she eyed the girl that sat across from her.

Hana said nothing but looked at her unconvinced, picking at her nails in boredom.

"The truth of the matter is Tokuchi-san, you currently aren't able to fulfill your duties as Student Coach. And as long as this issue between you and the upperclassmen remains unresolved, I fear you won't be able to do your job properly." Takashima's glasses glint threateningly, obscuring her eyes from view as she adjusts them, "If that's the case then we'd have to reconsider all the dorm benefits you have been given per your position."

"I see," Hana pushes back the chair she was sitting on and gets up, "Well, that's a problem for the future. If it happens, it happens. Nothing I can do about it."

"Are you not concerned with getting kicked out of the team and the dorms?"

"What's there to be concerned about? Seidou isn't the only school in Tokyo with a dormitory. Take Inashiro for example. I'm not the type that puts all my eggs in one basket," she shrugs. "But either way, I'm not going to give some half-assed apology just because those brats are being a bunch of prissy princesses. I don't believe anything I've done is wrong, therefore I have no reason to bow my head in front of people that cannot handle a dose of reality," Hana walked out, unashamed about her arrogant attitude.

Rei slowly shakes her head and sighs, "That girl...she really does have no team spirit."

As soon as she was alone, Hana dropped the poker face, allowing her lips to curve into a frown and her brows to furrow. She huffed and ruffled the back of her hair in irritation.


She snapped her gaze up to see a black-haired beauty waving at her, a kind smile on her face. Hana harshly blew stray strands out of her face and once again donned her emotionless mask.

"Takako-senpai? Why are you here alone?" Her maroon eyes darted over to see the heavy 5-gallon plastic jugs that her senpai dragged behind her.

The black-haired girl wiped the sweat off her forehead, "Yui and Sachiko are showing Haruno how to keep score so I'm filling up the water coolers for the team."

Hana sighed and made her way to Takako's side. She took the other side of the handle to relieve the third-year of some of the weight, "Senpai are you an idiot? Why didn't you ask someone for help?"

The third-year manager lightly giggled at Hana's rough manner of speaking, "You're helping me now aren't you?"

"Yeah, but what would you have done if I didn't come along? You'd have to lug this all the way back to the field yourself and then you'd still have one or two more of these to fill."

"It's fine. Compared to everything the boys do, I can handle this much. Consider it my pride of being a manager," Takako winked at her adorable underclassman.

Hana rolled her eyes but did not say anything to argue against her. The manager hummed lightly as they made their way onto the field. However, the comfortable atmosphere was broken by the whispers of the players as they spread rumors that Hana got removed as coach of the second-string and now she's a manager. That's why she's filling up the water coolers.

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