Are You Ok?

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When Percy found out about Navja, the first thing he did was run to the Hospital Wing. It was bad enough that he heard while accidentally eavesdropping on two people talking

Navja Jennings, that Hufflepuff girl, she's with Madame Pomfrey, Lara told me
 Is there anyone with her?
Roman Athernon,
Roman? Why would he be with her?
I don't know, maybe they're dating
Him? And her? No way.

Of course, he had no problem with Roman being with her, it's just that he didn't expect anyone to get hurt on the first day of classes. It wasn't at a very convenient time either, he was just about to go talk to Estelle, and it had only been a day and something was going wrong.

He turned a corner, sweat beading on his forehead as he raced to the large wooden doors that opened to the Wing. Percy pulled on one of the handles, it was surprisingly light, and was met with the two sitting at an awkward distance away from each other.

Percy stopped and looked at them staring uncomfortably at each other. There was a watch on Roman's left arm that marked the third hour since their break. 

Thankfully, Navja was awake and she looked fine. A little shaken, but fine none the less.

His face broke into a grin as he walked over to her bed, "Hey, I heard you were in here,"

"Yeah," She sat up, wincing a little, "To be honest, I really didn't think I'd be here on the first day. It usually takes me a couple more days. Maybe a week,"

"A week?" Percy asked disbelievingly, "What are you doing?"

"Oh you know, potion mishaps, falling off my broom, anything really, I'm not that graceful,"

He chuckled, sitting down on a chair beside her, "I can tell,"

"But what from you told me," she continued, "You're not that much of a princess either,"

Percy blushed and ran a hand through his jet black hair, "More of a Lord probably,"

Navja laughed shaking her head, "Lord? Of what?"

There was a pause in which he tried to think of something, "...Food?"

She snorted, "That's something you'd be into for sure,"

After that, the conversation turned to more stories. He simply smiled and told her about his adventures, and then bragged about how awesome his singing was, because really, she was a great listener and he trusted her. 

From the distance, Roman watched them chat and laugh at each other's insults and victories, and it kind of reminded him about how they used to be like. Well, before he was sorted into Slytherin and her into Hufflepuff because being a Pureblood was fine until you're best friend is in Hufflepuff.

Roman had nothing against Navja, she was nice and funny, but they didn't talk much after their first month of school and their conversations began to get more and more awkward until finally, he was too scared to get near her. 

They stopped being best friends. Their long-lasting friendship turned into a simple acquaintance. 

Navja's eyes trailed to Roman's green ones and she felt a weird feeling. It wasn't love, and it wasn't excitement, it was pity.

Navja truly liked Roman before, not as a lover, just as a friend, because that's how it'd always been. He and her against the world. The world being his rather rude family.

Her grandma loved him though, said he reminded her of Nelly. Of course, she had no idea who Nelly was because she never said how exactly they knew each other, or even if Navja was related to him in any way.

Child of a Myth | A Percy Jackson Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now