My version of the Crossover between my story Remnant's Everlasting Connection and HearthFallow's RWBY story "Look up at the stars".
Big thanks to @HearthFallow for giving me permission to do my own version of the crossover for our stories and pleas...
Snow can be seen falling on the kingdom of Atlas as a young girl no older than four years old can be seen running with multiple bruises on her body with two distinct features of a fox tail and ears and her beautiful yet teary blue eyes.
???: (No more...No more...)
She continues to run her breathe trailing behind her as she continues to run despite the pain and cold inflicted on her body.
???: (I can't let him catch me, never again, I don't want to see them ever again...)
The image of a man with silver hair and icy blue eyes along with an intimidating Aura as the fox girl slips and falls to the ground.
The snow continues to fall while the fox girl tries to get back up but the pain around her body is too much for her to bear.
???: It hurts.... (crying) It hurts so much...
She continues to cry out in pain as the fox girl feels nothing but emptiness within her soul until she suddenly hears a voice.
???: Are you okay?
Fox Girl: Huh?
She looks up as she sees a young girl who looks like she's a year older than the fox girl as she also has snow white hair and blue eyes as well as the distinctive feature of a white wolf tail.
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???: You must be really cold.
The wolf girl takes off her scarf and wraps it around the fox girl to provide her with some warmth.
???: That should help you feel a little bit warmer. I'm sorry I don't have another jacket to give you.
Fox Girl: W-Who are you?
???: Oh! My name is Aina Aishi.
Aina: What's your name?
Fox Girl: L-Luna.
(Ignore the hat)
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