Ren Kouen

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For the normal man they'd get tired during the night and stopped to take rest but for Fanalis walking day and night was no big deal if they didn't overwhelm themselves during the day.
Mayflower was leading Muu and Lo'lo through the offroad country side to the harbor where a boat will take them to the Kou Empire. It was a sudden trip so they didnt have the time to rest for the night.
"Are you sure this is the way there??" Muu asked, "we normally take the road."
"Trust me, I know many short cuts...this heart of mine can work as a guide of sorts." Mayflower responded. When Lo'lo looked closer there seemed to be light pink mist infront of her.
Lo'lo thought about Dauwn's heart. The first time that little thing did something unusual, It was quick but he could swear that rukh appeared around her head making the heart glow. That resulted in some sort of wave to blast out. "Hey, Mayflower, what do those hearts do? I remember Dauwn managed to blast me with that heart on her forehead."
"Oh, They produce magic." Mayflower answered. This caught Muu's attention "Produce magic?? What do you mean?"

"You know how magicians use their staffs  to use magic which can be thanks to the Magoi?" She began, "Well the Syrians are a bit different, instead of wands we use the hearts on our foreheads to cast magic."
Lo'lo and Muu tried to imagine what using magic with a forehead looked like. "The hearts have some sort of blessings from the rukh. One will land on a new born head and leave a magic mark on the Syrians foreheads if you were female unless your guy then you get them under your eyes, Still unsure why that is though."

With that said Lo'lo began thinking about what Dauwn said she never was able to produce magic till that first date they had.
"All right, answer me this. Dauwn wasn't able to produce magic till one night." Lo'lo said as he walked along side Mayflower. "After that night she said she was able to use that magic but without control. "
"Oh, That doesn't surprise me. A Syrians magic connection to the rukh is fully made after a moment of joy and happiness and it takes a long time to get control one the magic. So if your still wondering the only way her magic activated that night would have been because something interesting happen that night." She finished by raising and eyebrow, glancing at Lo'lo. "Did you fuck her?"
"Mayflower!" A shocked Muu shouted but Lo'lo answered without blinking.
"No, we never had sex."
Muu had to shout again, "Lo'lo! Don't have this discussion in the open!" The frustrated Muu grumbled at their immaturity. "Lets get back on topic, Mayflower, are you able to use endless magic with your method?"

"Hm, boring topic but whatever. Since the heart is literally a rukh, the magoi can be focused to that spot. So while we do have a larger amount of magoi we dont have limitless magic." Mayflower explained

As they spoke Lo'lo began to wish that this girl had come by years ago before he met Dauwn. That way she would have been around when Dauwn decided to search for living Syrians. Dauwn wouldn't have to leave, she could have been with him to this day. Together with him as a part of his family. Wait...No, He couldn't blame Mayflower for poor timing. It was very difficult to come out like she had. She risked everything to reveal herself. He knew the world they lived in was cruel, Mayflower just did what was necessary to survive. Being an fanalis was tough enough without also being a nearly forgotten race.
That decided he started to ask himself again on why didn't he just go with her to begin with. Deep inside he knew he wanted to say "Let me come with you" that morning she left so Why didnt he?

Lo'lo looked up towards Muu. There was a feeling that was beginning to grow inside his gut and he was familiar with it. It was anger. The longer he looked at Muu the angrier he got. Suddenly he snapped back at attention. What was he thinking?! Muu was his commander, the man he swore his undying loyalty to. His friend!
So why did he suddenly feel this angry towards someone he respected above everyone else. A sigh escape him perhaps the stress was finally getting to him. He rubbed his hand over his hair, ruffling it in slightly frustration.
His though was interrupted by Muu, "Lo'lo, is there something wrong?"

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