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Lo'lo was grumbling angrily as he stomped through the streets of this small town, He wasn't even focusing on the people around him. Not the best strategy for looking for someone but Lo'lo couldn't help it.
It wasn't just the fact that Yuma girl laughed in his face about loving Dauwn. Everywhere he went, Lolo would ask if anyone had seen her but when he described Dauwn, everyone laughed about it like Yuma did. Everyone acted like being with Dauwn was a joke. Lo'lo was starting to see why Mayflower didn't wanna be here anymore, everyone seemed to be a jackass. If it wasn't for that a town full of his people lively and free would be heaven to him.

The sun was setting when he focused on how long he had been roaming around town. Now that he was finally coming out of his trance to realize that Lo'lo didn't know where he was.
"Uh oh..." he muttered as he looked around for any signs that told him where he was. As much as Lo'lo disliked the idea he needed to get Kouen back, not only for his sense of direction, but the more he thought about it if these guys thought about Syrians with low standards then what do they think of humans?
Lo'lo tried his best to find his way back to the clinic where he left him. "Didn't realize I went this far..." he said to himself.

Just then a commotion was happening ahead of him. Men, women and children were shouting for a victor to emerge.
"A fight?" Lo'lo wondered towards the crowd where He tapped a guy on his shoulder,
"Hey man, whats going on?" He asked.

The fanalis turned midway,"you don't know what this is?" He asked Lo'lo.
"I'm fresh new to this place.." he responded.
Saying that the fanalis explained without anymore explanation needed. "This is the combat ring. We get to see who's strongest each month." He explained to him.
Huh, that sounded like the colosseum in Riem. Like many in the corps, the colossuem was his favorite place to have fun. Defeating every beast or fighter they threw at him. When there wasn't war which was few and far between Lo'lo felt bored. That's when he would go to colosseum to let lose his strength. Closing the colossuem for fights was a shame for him, but at the same time he had some respect for Tidus wanting to save some of the lives that would have been lost in the ring. To this day there was a part of him that missed the fighting ring.
if Lo'lo wasn't so busy at the current moment he'd totally enter the this ring. Showing these island Fanalis a taste a taste of how they fought in Riem. A yell caught his attention as a fanalis was thrown into the air, The guy landed in front of Lo'lo's feet with a thud.
There was booming laughter coming from the ring.
"That's really all you had, try better next time!"

Lo'lo felt amusement when he heard that. Someone strong enough to brush off another fanalis so easy. Now that's someone he wanted to get a good look at.
Lo'lo stepped over the knocked out guy at him feet, making his way to the front the crowd to see who was the winner. When he got to the fence and saw the Fanalis Lo'lo's whole body stiffened, his smile faded as he eyes couldn't believe who they were looking at.

There; in the middle of the ring, laughing by the sounds of the crowd chanting his name, was the one Fanalis that rivaled him height, or he might have been a bit taller in height. This guy was similar to him in many wars, the only difference is that this guy had many more scars on him, he also had a darker skin tone, had longer hair and  had a dark red shade of said hair. Despite having not seen this fanalis in decades Lo'lo would recognized him anywhere now matter how big they got. The one fanalis he never wanted to see ever again, it was Barda, his older brother. 
To his dismay Barda was quick to spot him as well. when he spotted Lo'lo in the crowds a silence fell between them. They both stood there in stunned silence till the crowds finally left, finally Barda said something.
"Lohina? Is that you?"

He hadn't heard his name in decades but just hearing it sent Lo'lo's memories back into his brain.  Lo'lo was so lost he was startled by the sudden hand of the ring master on his shoulder, "Hey fella, why don't you enter as well? You look like a real fighter."
Lo'lo quickly  brushed him off turning around and walking away as fast as possible. It wasn't to be however, Lo'lo could heard Barda shout, "Lohina, Hey!" But Lo'lo ignored him. Barda was following him, "Come on, little brother! Why the rush?" He called after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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