3 Years later

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Things have really gotten hectic these passed years with technology more advanced then ever, Sinbad tried to be GOD for a brief time and there's one thing that's a major change. There is no more Djinn use! whatever the world thought about the Djinn and magi way didn't matter anymore since the way is gone however this didn't seem that horrible as for now peace was reached.

This however wasn't on Lo'lo list of personal worries as he had his own troubles. Despite appearing happy and content with his life there was one thing that was missing from it. His lover and best friend Dauwn. His lover friend was still not back yet from his . Three damn years and she still wasn't back yet!

That first year and a half seemed to be fine as the two would send letters back and fourth by Dauwn's djinn, Ranvit, but suddenly Dauwn's letters stopped coming. Her last letter saying how she may be on to something big and she was gonna check it out. He wished her luck and that she will send word when she's found it. That was it, he sent a reply and she never followed up on that since. Lo'lo was angry about it. Furious even. He made himself scarce just so he wouldn't hurt anyone for the rest of the year and said to himself she'd show up eventually.

Lo'lo could feel in his core that she was still out there, breathing, and somehow she was still on the trail for the truth. Sometime ago he had washed up on the shores of a town called the valka village. A small trading settlement. There he met Dauwn. A woman who was very beautiful, If a little bit flighty and fiery. Lo'lo enjoyed that about her. After some time he fell in love with her. Sure enough, Dauwn returned the affection. They were each others best friends along with Aladdin, who had washed up on a viking raid ship and showed up at vulka village.

During the adventure not only did Lo'lo discover Dauwn was a Djinn user, Which they got into an argument over, They both Uncovered that she was apart of an rare race similar to the Fanalis. After engaging in a battle with a scourge named Malence, Dauwn had decided to go out in search of her race.

Lo'lo had been waiting for her these passed three years. During his waiting he not only did his service in the Fanalis corps but he and a few group of his fellow Fanalis would travel to Valka village to protect it from dangers. Being in charge was a big step, as muu wasn't there in the group, Lo'lo had to tell these Fanalis that went with him the ins and outs of the village. Unfortunately, he still couldn't keep up the leader role when it came to political matters, and telling these guys what to do when ravagers showed up. Often falling back on the help of Dauwn's siblings for help. Nano, Dauwn's oldest brother and head of the family, would deal with the political work. Myrui, the second and youngest brother, would help with battle tactics and Luria would help with troop Morale. All of which would confused Lo'lo greatly.

Lo'lo was hanging in there all for the moment Dauwn would return but then Sinbad tried to become God and rewrite the world in his peaceful image. If he could, Lo'lo would punch Sinbad's perfect teeth out because of HIM the Djinns no longer are in use, which meant where ever Dauwn was she wouldn't have Ranvit's power any more.

This thought made Lo'lo angry, making him want to go out and search for Dauwn right away, however he was smart enough not to just go out and find her. Lo'lo had no idea where she went.
Lo'lo had spoken to Muu on the matter and Muu informed him to just hang in there and keep faith Dauwn will return.

At the current moment Lo'lo had finished working on Reim's clean up and now was packing supplies, so was his little sister, They both were heading to Valka village to help clean up majorly there. Despite giving in to the fact Dauwn may never return he still went to the village out of duty and out of habit.

"ready to go, sis?" he asked

"yes, big bro!" she chimed.

Soon the two were off to the village after noting to Muu about it. Lo'lo thought it was going to be another trip. Had he stayed this one time he wouldn't have missed the figure on it's way to Reim, A figure that may be the key to what he was hoping for.

This short figure, round and plump, hair long and massive enough to wrap herself in the hair, going down right to her ankles. Bangs covering her forehead. clearly as people saw her they knew she was an Fanalis.

Looking at the big gate city this new fanalis thought about her options. She wanted to go in and see if more Fanalis truly did live here. perhaps she found herself a forever place to call home at last.

for now she should wait. she thought about the fact as she had been walking all day and night. Not to mention the sun was setting and she had no where to sleep. The girl could have gone inside but if she was speaking the truth, she was quite shy and nervous about going in the city full of humans.

so just for tonight, she'll sleep next to the trees.

Author's note: here's my first sequel..I may be leaning on magi for my first couple of stories...but oh well. this is the squeal to Beauty and the Fanalis. you can find it on my page. it's under grammar editing

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