It isn't easy being Fanalis

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Mayflower woke up that morning very well rested. It had been awhile since she last slept in a soft bed other then cold floors or the floor bed. Only problem is that once Mayflower was dressed and ready to go, She paused. What on earth was she gonna do? Her only goal was to reach a place where fanalis were. She had been alone all her life this was her last chance. She needed to make it work, This was her only option now. If this didn't work here then...A knock came at the door snapped her out of thinking.

She slowly got up to see Yaqut, one of Muu's closest fanalis soliders. "So youngster, I'm here to guide you through your first day." he told her
oh, there's her answer. Looks like she'll go through a run down on how things are done here.
Yaqut went on, "Now shall we get going young one?" he asked in a sweet tone you'd use on a 10 year old kid
May gave him a annoyed look before walking passed him, closing her door on the way out "I'm 34, young one." she said with the same tone he used.
all the male could do was stare wide eyed with shock and embarrassment.

Yaqut followed May going to the first chore of the day which was helping around town. There was still spots that were littered with rubble. "Alright, This might be for now but we're here to help with city cleaning. You remember that whole crazy event with Sinbad? There's still spots that need rebuilding so go right at it." Yaqut insisted

oh crap..Mayflower hardly used her strength before. She only used her strength did when she had too but picking up large stuff like boulders and pillars were different then trees. she watched her brethren work away at the rabble. Time to give it a shot. May looked like she was sweating like crazy. Could she left a 34 pound boulder? She went up to one and took a hold, Immediately a hand grabbed her arm. She looked up, this large fanalis with a sour look on his face stared down at her. "You aren't in proper clothing for this job." he said in a deadpan tone.

"huh?" she looked herself, noting she was still in her purple dress from yesterday. " Masusr is right! you didn't get her a uniform and armor?" Razol, one of the girl fanalis looked at Yaqut.
"well..., I tried looking for her size but that's a tough order.." Yaqut said in his defence
all he got were harsh criticism for that statement. while he was being hassled, Masusr handed her the clothing most fanalis were wearing. "Here."
"uh Thank you.." May said shyly and went to change. Now in a plain tunic instead of her purple dress, she was ready! she hoped...

Finding a broken pillar she spit on her hands and rubbed them together. Let's do this! She took hold of the under side of the pillar. May heaved with all her might and to her surprise, she lifted it with ease. huh, she CAN lift heavier objects then she thought. Seeing where the others where placing the rubble she delivered her pillar on over. again and again she lifted heavy objects to her delight and placed them on the pile where builders can work with the pieces.

Time to lift the last pillar. It was bigger but she picked it up with ease with a huff. This was such a work out, a lot more then she was use too. She could feel her muscle tensing up. Sweat poured down her forehead but she pushed on, as she walked May felt it..her strength was beginning to weaken on her. Jelly arms! Just what she needed! This pillar had to get to it's destination so she decided to run the rest of the way. Unfortunately May forgot to tie up her long hair as she ran with the pillar a huge chunk of hair was stepped on by her own right foot. May felt herself toppling over in midfall she tries to catch herself but swung the pillar. Others near her had to duck as the huge clynder came through the air. It hit a still standing piece of building, knocking half of it with the pillar and it crashed to the ground.
May was unharmed in the fall and unluckily no one else was ether. The crowd working on the other hand was not to thrilled. May received some already annoyed looks.
"Uh..." Yaqut came over "I think we did all we could here. Come on! Let's get to washing up and then we'll head on down to the training grounds!" He exclaimed helping May up and forcing her to go before someone could spit at her.
Once water was splashed on her face she came out a little good as new. She thought of where her partner for the day was and found him in the dining hall.
"Hey your here. Listen, I could use a break. Why don't you head to the grounds yourself and see yourself around. " He told her.

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