Was it really worth it?

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Love. Everyone knows what it is and what it means and that there are different types of it. And everyone claims to love someone. But do they really? Do they really love? No.

We don't really love our mothers, our fathers, our brothers or sisters, nor our partners or children, we don't really love our friends and family.

We only truly love ourselves and the food that fills our stomach, the air that fills our lungs and our heart that pumps the blood.

How can we love them when try lie to us, they steal from us, they cheat on us, they use us and when their done, they throw us away.

There will always be another person they claim to love. Another partner, another child, another friend, another uncle or aunt. And you, you will always meet someone new who will become someone that you "love".

So can you truly love someone? Cause when we're stuck in a life or death situation when we have to choose between ourselves and our "loved ones", most would choose themselves.

But some choose they person they love and become the hero of the story. Great. Good for you. Or is it? When you lie on your death bed with only minutes to live, will you regret that deciton? Will you wonder what if? What if I chose myself? Well, on thing is for sure. You wouldn't be lying in your death bed right now if it weren't for that person. You would be able to spend another day among the living and not spending your last moments staring at a blank ceiling and listening to your own slow heart beat, and thinking an wondering; was it really worth it?

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