A Brave Boy (WW1 Poem)

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Friends, stranges and brothers,

All wait to join the others.

One prays to his beloved creator,

"Lest I don't make it, don't let Timmy miss his pater."

Upon hearing their last orders, they start to run,

Wishing to see nothing else but another rising sun.

Nothing but pride runs through their veins,

But yet all stay bound together by death's chains.

Under the God's caring eye, they fight to be free,

And hopfuly they'll make it to drink another afternoon tea.

Fearful warriors fight for the country they love,

Hoping, praying that in the end they'll witness the peaceful dove.

Bullets covered in burnt gunpowder pierce through the air,

But still they run, of the danger they are well aware.

A brave boy fights against a man,

One pulled trigger ends his short life span.

His soul naive, innocent and pure,

Being only sixteen, he thought it would be fun for sure.

The broken bullet tears though his flesh,

Letting his blood cover the skin still fresh.

The pale skin now covered in red,

Until his last breath, a bright red he bled.

A memory of his lovely Mary imprinted in his mind,

He wants to be with her but knows that death has always been unkind.

He wishes thay she will move on after he's gone,

And wishes to never be forgotten by his good friend John.

He wants his brother to never hold a gun,

And his parents to sing merrily; "We won! We won!"

He prays that Britannia will forever stay a graceful green,

And be the best place the world has ever seen.

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