Chapter 1

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Addison POV:

I drove us to the hospital due to the fact Bryce wasn't in the right state. As soon as Bryce said that they had been in a car accident, my mind went to the worst. All I could think about is when I got the call to come to the hospital for my parents. I was scared, and I didn't have any plan for Jaden and me. As much as I tried to be positive, I knew, only to expect the worst, which is exactly what happened.  I would give anything to take away the thoughts that were going through Bryce's head right now. Anything to assure him that everything would be fine, but I couldn't promise him that because I didn't know. I reached over and grabbed his hand. He took it and squeezed it hard.

A: Look, Bubs, I can't promise everything is going to be fine. But, I will promise you that I will be there by your side to figure out your next move. No matter how hard it is. Remember, I know what it is like to get the call that your loved ones have just been in a fatal crash. I know what it's like to wonder the whole car ride what kind of news you will expect when you walk in those hospital doors. But, you know what I didn't have? A support system. I was all the support that I had. I had to be strong for Jaden and me. I had to make all the decisions alone. We didn't know my dad's family, and my mom was an only child. Her parents had died a few years before she did, so no one was there for me. But, I am here for you. If that means being a shoulder to cry on, someone you need to scream at, or someone to help you make a decision, I'm here. So I beg you not to shut me out, but I know it'll be easy to want to. I am here okay, I am here. 

As I finished my speech, I had pulled up to the hospital. I was now crying as well. Not only was this scary for Bryce it was scary for me. My best friend and my goddaughter were in that car. I didn't know what I would do if one didn't make it. I felt like maybe I brought bad luck because no matter how many times I came to the hospital, I would never stop envisioning the night I was told my parents were killed.  As the car came to a stop, I expected Bryce to get out. But, he grabbed my hands and turned me to look at him.

B: Before we can go to that hospital and have our lives maybe change forever, I need you to listen to me. No matter how hard I push you away, please don't leave me. I am going to need you the most if something is horrible in there. I know how you feel about hospitals, and I know how this accident brings you the memories you wish you can forget the most. But, you are here with me because you love me, Serenity and Tessa. I know that no matter how much it is killing you to be here, you wouldn't be anywhere else. I will try my best not to shut you out, but I need you to bear with me.

Bryce POV:

As Addison and I got out of the car, I grabbed her hand. Knowing I would need the support, I didn't know what I was about to walk into. If I had thought a couple of hours ago, this would be our reality. I would have turned everything back because I didn't want to lose my little girl. And I didn't want Serenity to lose her mom. I saw how Addison losing her parents affected her. She had to grow up sooner. She had to think for Jaden, but if anything, Serenity still had me. But, I was scared that wouldn't be enough. I walked to the front desk and asked for Serenity, Tessa, and Chance.

Receptionist: Hi, hello, who are you to those patients?

B: I am Serenity's dad. Tessa is the mother of Serenity and one of my closest friends. And Chance is Tessa's boyfriend, which means he's practically family.

Receptionist: Okay, I will get their charts, but I need you two to sit down.

Addison and I went to the nearest seat. As Addison held my hand, all I could think about is what news they would tell me. I hope everyone made it through the crash, but there was no telling what had happened during the crash. As I sat there nervously, I could tell Addison was looking around the hospital. She hated being here. She hated everything about this moment. I knew Addison was trying to keep it together for me, but I also knew she wanted to curl in a ball and cry.

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