Chapter 24

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March 12
Bryce pov:
This weekend was the first weekend in a long time that I had off. I have been working like crazy, and when I wasn't working, I was spending time with Sera and Addison.  This weekend, Sera is going to visit Tessa's parents, which meant Addison, and I could dedicate this weekend to working on the nursery. Although we would be doing a lot of hard work, I would probably be listening to Addison scream at me for hours. I was finally happy to spend some much-needed quality time with my fiance even though we had just done an interview together to talk about our new life. As I got up out of bed, careful not to wake Addison, I quietly made my way to Sera's room. As I opened the door, I saw Sera was sitting on the bed. She looked a little sad. I sat down at the bed beside them and pulled her into my arms. As soon as my arms wrapped around her, I heard her began to cry.
B: What's wrong, princess?
S: I miss mommy a lot. I don't understand why she couldn't stay.
B: Princess, how long have you been feeling like this.?
S: I don't know. Ever since you started working more, I didn't want to tell mama because I didn't want her to think that I don't want her to take care of me or that I think she is a bad mama. She is the best.
B: Princess mama would never think that. I know I've been working more, but I want to take time off when Hayden gets here. And when mama is busy with Hayden, I can hang out with you. Or you and I could watch Hayden when mama needs rest. I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me. Your mommy was and still is a significant factor in who you are and who you will be. Don't be afraid to let mama or me know you miss her.
S: You don't think mama will get mad?
B: Mama's mommy is gone. And although she doesn't say it. I know she misses her mommy more than anything, especially right now, but she has no one to go to. No one to share stories about who her mommy was before she was a mommy. You have that princess; so many people in your life are willing to tell you whatever you want about your mommy. You just have to let us know when you need to hear it. Okay?
S: Okay, daddy, I love you
B: I love you most. How about you and I get some breakfast before I drop you off at your grandparents' house?
S: What about mama?
B: We will let her sleep
I ran the shower for Sera and got out an outfit for her. As I left the room, I went to take a shower myself and get ready for the day. I knew Sera would miss Tessa. I mean, we all do, but I didn't want her to feel like she had to hide the fact that she missed her. I knew Sera would start to miss Tessa. They were inseparable. Whenever I was out of town or was working, Sera would be with Tessa because Tessa believed in being a present mom rather than getting the career she always dreamed of.  Lately, I have seen why Tessa and Addison were so close. I mean, Addison will change her work schedule just to be able to either drop Sera off or pick her up. She made it to all her school events, packed her lunch, and helped her with her homework. It's crazy to me because I remember Addison was a workaholic less than a year ago. Don't get me wrong, she works, but she works equally as much as she spends at home. As I finished getting ready, I went and gave serenity a half-up, half-down hairstyle. I then packed her bag for overnight. Before I knew it, we were in the car and on the way to IHOP. As we sat down at IHOP, both of us ordering chocolate chip pancakes. Sera began to talk.
S: I missed hanging out with you, daddy. You are so busy.
B: I've always been this busy, Sera, but your mom constantly distracted you when I couldn't take you because of work. You see it more now because you live with me full time.
S: Mama does an excellent job jumping in. I like when mama and I watch movies, especially when she brushes my hair. How does mama always know what's wrong or what we need?
B: Princess, your guess is as good as mine. Mama is amazing, and she came into my life at the right moment. Tell me your favorite story of mama before I knew her.
S: Well, when mama used to live far away, she would try to see me as much as possible. One time when Mama came to visit, I was sick. I remember thinking I wouldn't get to see her because no one wants to get sick. But, mama came over. She brought puzzles, canvases and did a whole puppet show for me. When mama went back home, mom said she had gotten sick and had to miss work. I apologized, but mama said it was worth putting her health at risk to see me smile.
B: So, no matter what, she always showed up when she said she would?
S: Always, and she does still now. Mama makes sure to show up because she's never not once didn't show up for me when it was essential or said she would be there.
B: Princess, I am so proud to be your dad. But, from here on out, if you miss your mom or you need to talk to someone. Please ask for help if not from mama or me. Use your aunts and uncles.  Many people care about you, princess, and we all just want to make sure you are happy and healthy, but if you don't, tell us, then we don't know.
S: I know, daddy, but I didn't want to worry anyone.
B: Listen to me, Serenity Brooklyn Hall. You could never be a worry to anyone. We should know what's going on than trying to guess.
Serenity stood up and gave me a big hug. As I held her small body in my arms, I realized how fast my little girl was growing up, and Tessa had done an amazing job. Serenity was so kind, sensitive, empathetic, caring, and always thought about others. I just wished Tessa was here to see our girl being everything we talked about. After IHOP, I dropped serenity off at her grandparent's house before she got out of the car. She kissed my cheek and told me.
S: I love you, daddy
B: I love you most, princess
Addison POV:
When I woke up, I was in bed alone. I got up and slipped my slippers on while grabbing my robe to see where Bryce had gone to.  As I walked around the house, I noticed it was empty. This was rare whenever Bryce left with Seri, he would text me to let me know he left, but I had no text messages. I walked outside with Simba following close behind. I was trying not to worry, but my thoughts were getting the best of me. I only imagined the worst scenarios happening right now. As I started to freak myself out, my breathing got heavier. I then lost my balance and fell. I was prepared to feel the ground underneath me, but I felt arms. I turned around to see Beau. He helped me up and led me into the kitchen. He handed me a glass of water and then began to make me some food.
Beau: Are you okay, Addison?
A: Do you know where Bryce is?
Beau: No, I was told to help the deliver know where to put everything. Should we go to the hospital?
A: No, for what?
Beau: Because you are pregnant and you almost fell...
A Beau, I thought I was just fat and standing perfectly fine. Now make the food and stop talking to me unless you can tell me where my fiance and daughter are.
I never usually got terrible attitudes but knowing Bryce left and didn't say anything felt strange. As Beau set the food in front of me, I heard the don't open. I got up quickly. I then heard Beau
Beau: Addison, you need to be careful
A: Beau, stop talking now
As I walked into the front area, there my fiance was. He was walking up to kiss me. I put my arm out to push him back, and he looked at me strangely.
B: Good Morning to you too.?
A: No, you don't get to be confused. I woke up to an empty house with no text message, no word at all. Where my fiancé and daughter were at? I nearly fell, making myself sick because I could only think of the worst scenarios. Tell me how much of a good morning that is.
B: Baby
I know Bryce was confused about why I was yelling, but I was scared. But, before I knew it, I felt tears streaming down my face.
A: No, Bryce Michael Hall, you don't understand how scared I was. I then got scared that I hurt Hayden,  but once I calmed down, I felt him kick, letting me know that he was okay.
Beau: Why wasn't I aware of this?
A: Shut up, Beau, or I swear I will fire you
Bryce looked at me then looked at Beau. He then brought Beau to a different room as I stood there crying. Before I knew it, Beau was leaving the house.  Bryce grabbed my hand and brought us to our room. He then allowed me to sit on our couch as he knelt in front of me. He took both of my hands in his hands. He then looked me in my eye as tears continued to fall from my face.
B: Baby, what's going on?
I finally broke down. All of my walls were now entirely down, giving Bryce the most vulnerable side of me possible. I had been vulnerable with Bryce, but he was now about to see me broken......
A: I miss my mom. I miss Tessa. The further I get into my pregnancy, the more I feel alone. I know you are right here, Bryce, but when I was sixteen, I accepted the fact that I wouldn't have my mom by my side for pregnancy, and I would have to figure it out without her. She used to talk about spoiling her grandbaby's and buying the crib or the stroller. She was supposed to come to every doctor's appointment with me. Then when I met Tess, Serenity was one. She always said, " I can't wait till you have your first kid. I'm going to be attached to your belly. I will be there when you are puking your guts out and complaining that none of your clothes fit. But, I will also be there to spoil them and hold your hand during labor. I am letting you know that you are strong enough to bring your baby into this world, even if you don't feel like it at that moment. She told me I could scream at her. She told me she would come over to give me a break." But, guess what, Bryce? Both of those people are gone. The people in which have wisdom in this are gone, and it fucking sucks. It sucks that you are barely fucking home, and every time Serenity asks me if You'll be home to tuck her in, I have to tell her not tonight. It fucking sucks that Serenity lost her mom at the age of six. And it sucks that I have all these damn hormones inside of me.  I just don't want to feel fucking alone. I need someone to help me through this. And I know your mom could help. But,
B: It's not the same. It's not what you pictured.
A: I want my dad to pull me into his arms. And give me a tight hug while he tells me that I am so strong and that he is so proud of me. I want my dad Bryce. I want my mom Bryce. I CAN'T KEEP FEELING THIS PAIN. THIS WORLD ISN'T FAIR.
By this point, I was full-on sobbing. Bryce had moved onto the couch and pulled me into his arms. He then began to rub circles on my back as he held me tight in his arms. Almost as if he was scared I would break. I was surprised he hadn't asked me if I needed Jaden.
B: Shhhh, mi amor. I know this world isn't fucking fair. I hate that your parents were taken from you at fifteen. I hate that there is no one you can contact to tell you stories of your parents. I hate that the one person who felt like family for you died. I hate that I'm not here for you. I am sorry, Mi Amor. I am sorry this world is so cruel. I am sorry you've had to endure so much pain. I am sorry you have to be the strong one constantly. But, I am here. And you don't need to be strong for me. You need to be you. You need to feel every emotion. You need to be angry. You need to be sad because you have every right to be. But, mi Amor, I am not going anywhere ever. You don't ever have to feel alone, as long as I am here. I will be by your side through the ugly and the beautiful. But, you have to let me in sooner. You can't just bottle up your emotions, bubs, because it's overwhelming. I will try to talk to Michael. I am beginning to see my family needs me. But, te amo mi Amor ( I love you, my love). I got you forever. Okay?
A: Yo Tambien te amo mi Vida( I love you too my life)
Bryce then grabbed my face and kissed me. It was passionate, and I was glad I had finally let my walls down. As I pulled away, I cupped Bryce's face and looked into his eyes to see he had tears in them.
A: Bubba, what's wrong?
B: I may not understand, but seeing you hurt. Hurts me. I don't want to let you down. I just want to be there for you. I want you to let me in more. I don't want you to feel like you have to run to Jaden when you have emotions about your parents. I may not understand it that much. But, if you never let me in, I never will. I just want to be there for you in every way possible.
A: okay.
I grabbed Bryce's hand and walked him to Hayden's unfinished nursery. We then began to paint the walls and put the nursery together while laughing, crying, talking, and learning more. I never knew how much Bryce and I needed to be vulnerable with each other, more me than him. But, there was one thing he would never bring himself to talk about, and that was his dad. But then again, I barely started to bring up my parents. After we were done with the nursery, we looked around, and Bryce held me. I'm in his arms.

Bryce POV:
As I held Addison in my arms, I know it was wrong, but I craved her. After the day we just had, I needed to feel her. Feel like we were one our bodies were colliding to one. I grabbed her chin and kissed her sloppy. It didn't take long for Addison to respond to my kiss. Addison then turned her body and wrapped her arms around my neck. She was pulling my neck down to deepen the kiss in any way possible as I slipped my tongue in. I heard Addison Moan.
A: Oh, Bryce
B: Gosh, you're so fucking beautiful.
A: Take me in our room now
I carefully picked Addison up Bridal style without breaking the kiss. Addison then moved her lips from my lips to my neck. She then began to suck slowly on my neck. While biting in my earlobe.
B: Fuck Addison
I carefully set Addison on the bed and began to hover over her. I then brought my lips to her neck. I felt Addison shiver underneath me. And I was glad I still had that effect on her as I moved all around her neck. Addison's head went back, and she closed her eyes.
A: Fuck Bryce, what you do to my body
I was now about to show Addison what I could really do to her body.  I took off her shirt and unclasped her bra. I then took off her shorts and her underwear. I passionately kissed her lips and then began to trail down to her chest.
B: Tell me what you want
A: What?
B: Tell me what you want
A: I want you to suck my titties.
B: your wish is my command
I brought my mouth onto Addisons breast. They had been getting bigger, and I wasn't complaining at all. I then began to lick her nipple with my tongue, and Addison had become a moaning mess after I kissed my way all the way down Addison's stomach until I was at her entrance.
A: what are you waiting for?
B: someone's impatient. Tell me what you want. In steps.
A: First, I want you to insert three fingers inside me while looking me in the eyes
Addison was playing a bold game tonight, but she wouldn't be able to keep this up. I inserted three fingers inside of her and began to finger her while looking her in the eye. Addison began to close her eye and throw her head back. I took my fingers out. Her eyes then shot open. I then took my fingers and placed them into my mouth, enjoying the taste.
A: what are you doing?
B: While I am pleasuring my fiancé, she will look me in the eye. Do I make my self clear
A: Yes, Mr.Hall
I then placed my fingers back inside her as I began to fasten up my face. Addison began to yell out my name.
B: what do you want
A: I want you to place your mouth on my wet pussy and find my clit and suck on it now
B: Demanding and specific
I then did as she said. The whole time Addison and I kept locked eyes. As I felt Addison about to climax, I began to finger her faster. As she yelled my name out so loud that the whole Hollywood could probably hear, she released. As much as Addison wanted to pleasure me, I needed to be inside her. I pulled down my pants and entered her through missionary. It only seemed right as we were keeping eye contact. It seemed like today, Addison and I was getting closer than ever before. We began to moan in sync. Both of us love the feeling we get when we are together. After a while, we both climaxed.
Smut end
*The next day
Addison POV:
I woke up downstairs in the movie room in Bryce's arms. Last night Bryce and I had beat our record, and we had sex in almost every room in this house. Except for the kid's room, of course. I was sore, to say the least. My legs felt like jello, but I enjoyed every minute of it. And I would do it again. As I cuddled into Bryce's chest, I heard my phone ring.
B: Don't you dear pick up that phone
A: Sorry, Mr. Hall, but you are no longer in charge.
I leaned down and grabbed my phone to see Little brother on my caller I'd. It was a FaceTime call, of course. I answered the call and made sure you can only see my head.
Ja: Hey sister, wait, what's going on?
B: what do you want, Jaden? I was spending time with my fiancé
Ja: um ew, that's my sister
B: how do you think she got your nephew in the stomach
Ja: stop, I'm about to be sick. Honestly, I just called because I wanted to take Serenity for the day, but I'm guessing she's with Tessa's parents.
A: She is, but you can take her. We were supposed to pick her up.
Ja: Ya, I'll do it. I don't want my niece walking inside the house
B: ya we gotta clean and disinfect the whole house
I hit Bryce's arm and began to laugh
Ja: Gross, bye

Would you guys like a chapter explaining the day of Jadens and Addison's parent's car crash? If yes, it'll be in this book, but I need to know ASAP. Also, I cried while writing this chapter don't know why and I also wrote this at 3 am. I didn't go to bed until six, woke up at seven, and went through this at 8. I am going to sleep now. Please comment. I know I said two more chapters, but you guys know there are really like three or four, including this one.

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