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With their race finished, the group could take some time to relax. Varian smiled contentedly with his head on Lance's lap while the man played on Andrew's flute and Andrew and Cassandra danced together. Madam Tiri sat next to Varian, looking at the festivities with an air of amusement.

"Hey, Varian, why don't you dance?" Cassandra asked after the song finished.

"I don't know how." Varian admitted.

"Here, I'll teach you." She walked over and held out a hand to him.

Varian shrugged and took her hand, letting her pull him to his feet. "Okay, you ready? Just follow my lead. Lance, give us something bouncy."

Lance started to play a bouncy tune and Cassandra showed Varian the steps. Though it took a bit, he managed to follow her movements and was able to look up at her instead of at their feet. Andrew joined in the dance after a bit and they danced together, sometimes by themselves, sometimes swapping partners, and then holding hands and dancing in a circle as their boots kicked up the dirt and grass under their feet.

Varian chirruped happily as he danced, thoroughly enjoying himself. He noticed Madam Tiri starting to clap along with the music and then the song rose to a crescendo before ending. Varian fell onto Cassandra and Andrew, chirruping happily.

"Ahh, this was fun." Cassandra smiled and rubbed his head. "How you feeling, Varian?"

"Like I need a drink of water before I do that again." Varian grinned.

Andrew smiled and got up to get him some water. Cassandra sighed and laid on the grass, looking up at the moon overhead. "You know...I've always preferred the moon to the sun. The nighttime is always so...peaceful, and the moon...well, you can actually look at it and admire its beauty, The sun...it's too much. It hurts you to be too close to the sun, to look at the sun, to even be in its view for too long. But, the moon? The moon is gentle."

Varian smiled. "Aw, thanks."

She laughed a bit and nudged him. "I wasn't talking about you, silly."

"But, I am the moon." He stuck out his tongue playfully and rolled off of her, laying on his back to look up at it. "Or...a child of it, at least."

"Well, can't argue with that." She laughed, rolling onto her side to look at him. "Sooo, mind if I ask a bit of a weird question?"

"Ask away." He shrugged.

"Why do you sing all the time? Wouldn't chanting work just as well?"

He blinked and looked thoughtful before nodding. "Focus. It's stronger if I sing."

"Really?" Cassandra shrugged. "Okay."

"Now, let me ask you a question." He smiled at her. "Is there anyone you miss back there?"

Cassandra glanced to the side. "...My dad, probably. But, I've made my choice."

"Yeah, me too." Varian nodded, then sat up to accept the water Andrew got for him.

"Shoo! Shoo!"


Varian looked over to see Lance chasing something away from their packed food. "Darn critter!"

"What's up?" Varian got up and walked over. There was curious little gray four-legged creature with black stripes and a mask-like pattern on its face. "What is this?" He asked, kneeling and reaching for it.

"That's a raccoon." Cassandra said, getting up and walking over to him.

"Is it dangerous?" Varian asked as the critter took a sniff at him and then backed up.

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