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The next few weeks were full of training for both teams. While Varian grew his criminal empire with The Baron's resources and increased his strength, Rapunzel got closer and closer to the maze. Madam Tiri checked in on her frequently and came back to Varian this time to find him creating a statue of King Fredric. Then he used another black rock to stab it aggressively, reducing the rocks to pieces on the floor.

He was always a bitter, vengeful child, but he was going on overdrive now. He'd started sending people to spy on King Fredric and cause dissent and distrust for the royal family in the city. Andrew contacted some others from Saporia that were hiding in the city to assist with that and King Fredric had stopped taking audiences as a result.

"They have reached the maze." She told him. "But, I cannot enter it. Demanitus made sure of that."

"It doesn't matter. Once she's out, we'll head for the Dark Kingdom." He created a rock statue of the Dark King and stabbed that with multiple black rocks. Then he created one of Rapunzel and walked over to it, reaching up to stroke its smooth cheek. "Don't cry, princess." He said with a cold smile. "You and I both know this is inevitable."

"Varian?" Lance walked over to him. "Whoa. Am I...interrupting something?"

"No." He turned to him. "Did you want something?"

"Uhm...yeah. Can we talk for a bit?" Lance nodded to a black rock bench that Varian had set up. In fact, most of the decorations in the garden had been replaced by black rock sculptures, replaced when he was practicing.

"Of course." Varian walked over and sat down, Lance sitting next to him.

Lance sighed and took his hand. "I know...that you've been training for this big battle, but what if she doesn't want to fight?"

"Then I'll give her a reason to." He held out his hand and created a statue of Eugene, which he then caged in more black rocks. "This battle has to happen, Lance. It's the only way I can free Madam Tiri. Sun and moon must collide." He stood up and walked over to the cage he'd created, running his hand down a stone bar. "Besides...she started this by trying to turn me against my mentor. If she hadn't, then Madam Tiri would have never had to show me the truth about her father." He gripped the bar tightly.

"I just think that...maybe violence isn't the—"

"It's the only course of action." Varian turned to him. "Are you turning against me, Lance?"

"No, of course not!" He got up and walked over to him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "I'm with you no matter what. But...I don't want to see you kill the princess."

"I never said I'd kill her, don't worry." He brushed off his hands and walked away from him. "I'll just drive her to her knees and force her to watch as I kill her father and destroy her kingdom to replace it with New Saporia." He held out his hands and created a black rock model of a different castle, his glowing eyes full of malice. "It's what they deserve."

"If you build New Saporia on blood, how is it any better than Corona?" Lance walked over to him.

"Because Corona lies about its past. It lies about being a place of sunshine and happiness, while its King conceals cruel intentions behind bright clothes and smiles." Varian said, clenching his fists. "New Saporia is at least honest about the blood needed to build it!"

Lance sighed and placed his hand on his shoulder. "...Okay. Sorry to make you doubt me, bro."

Varian smiled at him. "Hope you're ready to head out. The princess has reached the maze. As soon as she leaves, we'll head for the Dark Kingdom." He turned to go.

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