Boys 101

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Alright so since this is the very first chapter I'm gonna talk to you about boys and girls being bests friends, since this is basically how I got all my knowledge on boys.

So girls, when a guy and a girl are best friends. It tends to mean that they are just close friends. If your trying to get a cute guy to ask you out, but think that he likes his best friend. I'm gonna tell you right now, don't try to piss that girl off or flip her off or accuse we of liking the guy because 99.9% of the time she doesn't like him. She's close with him because he's probably chill and listens to her, doesn't have drama as a feature. Trust me, scaring the girl or pissing her off. Ain't the way to the guys heart. Like I said, having my friends all guys, many girls have tried this on me and it's quite tiring. And don't always ask if him and the girl like each other or are dating because it will really annoy them. like really annoy them. yes, there is a small possibility that they eventually liking each other and going out but before that, don't ask about them dating cuz then you just get them pissed and annoyed.Sometimes it's sad because sometimes the guys will not do anything to the girl who's got a big crush on him when she's tryna ruin your life. It sucks. A lot. And that brings me to another point.

If your friend the boy doesn't stand up for you when the other girl try's to ruin your life, but he texts you saying lets talk in private don't let anyone know. LADIES THAT MEANS HE'S A PUSSY! And you need to stop talking to him right this moment. If you continue talking to him next thing you know your the one crying on your bed hugging your knees because he told her your deepest secrets he promised not to tell a soul. It's happened before and now I've learned from my lesson. If he try's to talk to you again after they break up saying he was stupid to do all this and shit, don't let him back in. Don't talk to him or contact him anymore because if he didn't stand up for you or protect you then, then what do you think is gonna happen when your in a physical situation like someone's tryna hurt you. He probably would run and save himself. So do yourself a favour and detach yourself from him right now.

Now here's some tips on how to "detach" yourself from the guy. So if this is happening to you, make sure you tell him this face to face, person to person, or else you are as well being a jerk and a pussy for not telling him this to his face.

----> Before you talk to him make sure you are calm and not angry, thats how you get bet results <----

1. Don't drag it out too long, keep it short, simple, to the point.

2.tell him that you are taking him out of your life for the best.

3. Briefly tell him that your disappointed and shocked in him.

4. Don't start flipping out and cussing at him, because he won't pay attention anymore and get annoyed. Make sure you stay calm.

5. Tell him how you feel, as much as you think they don't listen. Guys do listen. If you out a lot of thought and feeling into your speech to them. It will be stuck in their minds for quite a while.

6. If you make the conversation very deep, the boys tend to remember the most important/deep things you say. One of my favourite lines is " up until this point you were my best friend, my place of security and a brotherly love, but from now on you are a stranger to me. I will no longer put in an effort to talk to you anymore. I've realized my effort has just been wasted on someone like you. Because you took my effort and affection and used it against me.

7.Before you end it and walk away from him for the rest of your life. Be the better person and wish him good luck in the future. For example: I wish you the best in the future, be safe. Goodbye (boys name).

Congratulations! You have told him following what I said and now you are back at home.

If you feel really upset and depressed its ok, it's normal. That's how I am after every time it happens. Just do what I do. Talk to or hang out with your best friend (a girl one of course) try and stay away from boys as much for now. She will take your mind off things. You can always talk to me too. i will listen and give you one on one advice. I cant stand seeing people in pain.Or if you want to then just close your door lay down and blast your music to your hearts content. (but not so loud you get in trouble). You got a hobby? Do that, wether it be drawing, skating, playing a sport like soccer or basketball, how about my favourites singing and/or dancing. If that doesn't work for you or you don have a hobby how about cleaning? I know some people who find cleaning relaxing and distracting. I can see myself doing it. Blasting my music while cleaning seems good.

Once you feel better lets move onto social media. You follow him on Instagram? Unfollow and block him. So that you don't see his life and he doesn't see yours. Do the same with twitter. Got his number still? Delete it and block. He isn't worth your time darling. He just proved it too you. All he does for you is provide you with pain instead of happiness. I know for a fact you will be second guessing this for the rest of the day or as well the next day maybe. But don't go bak and add him again and talk to him and say you were wrong and just on your period or something. Because if you do then you are just putting yourself for more heartache an problems.

So say they do break up, he try's to get a hold of you again. Your thinking to yourself " oh shit, what do I do?"
Well this is what you do. You ready for this?....................ignore him. Do not contact him or respond. It is a trap. I'm not guaranteeing that he will have completely changed and become a new person because he most likely hasn't. Do yourself a favour and stay away from him at all times possible.

So all in all, a boy and a girl can definitely be best friends. It's jut that sometimes that these problems can make you realize who they really are. It's both good and bad, but then again nothing is 100% good or 100% bad

Don't forget to check my list of ways to relax, that's next chapter. So go check it out------>

Well that's the first chapter! Any more questions about this chapter you know where to reach me :)

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