Hey guys! I know that it has been a while since I've added to this book, but a lot has happened in that time and I can talk about it here to help prevent all your hearts from going through what I had to.
So one thing that you will come across when your are talking/dating a boy is meeting his parents. Now I know that, that can be nerve racking and all but it is just something you gotta do. Now it wont always go good. And sometimes it can go to shit and honestly you did nothing wrong. You can't stop or control how people think of you. One thing you need to look out for is when he has a mother that stays home all the time, like i mean she doesn't work or anything. That means that she spent all her sons time watching over him and raising him. Now I was approached with a situation where the mother didn't like me right from when she first saw me. And girls, all I can say is that, that women is scared of you taking her son away from her, because you exude confidence and independence, and she doesn't want that to rub off on him and he ends up leaving the house, because once he does then she has absolutely has no one in the house anymore to cook for, do the laundry for. She enjoys doing those things for you because it makes her feel like you need her. Gives her that sense of belonging.
Coming from someone who comes from a broken family, I tell everyone that family means everything. You can never compete with family. That being said, family is not always right. Especially if you are 20 years old or over and they are telling you who you can or can't date, giving you an ultimatum of if you stay with her we kick you out. Now girls, a boy will always be his moms little precious, and if he sees her bursting into tears and everything then he will obviously do what she wants. Now I spent the last 3 days moping around, crying, drinking a shit ton, and not eating. As bad as it sounds, you know what it was just what i needed, I needed to give myself time to grieve, but it also gave me time to think and reflect.
Ladies, you should be with a guy who is willing to fight for you and your love. Someone who sticks by your side regardless what is thrown at you guys, someone who would never let anyone say anything bad about you or make assumptions about you (and this is including family). If you have a guy who just gives in to whatever his family tells him to do, then I'm sorry sweetheart but you need to move on. And I know that may be harsh but he will not change. Especially if he's older than 20 years old. He will always be wrapped around their little finger, and you will never be good enough. You will always be in constant fights and everything. And I can tell you that is exactly what you don't want. You deserve a guy who will do anything and everything for you. Someone who HAS A PAIR OF BALLS AND IS MAN ENOUGH.
Now onto the next part, do you guys stay friends or just cut each other off? That is all up to you and your preference, but I highly recommend that you really think about this. Your heart might be telling you to stay friends so that you can always keep talking to him, but I want you to really think about this. I had that same mentality but if you think of it, it is just going to hurt and trigger you. Remind you everyday that he gave up on you and couldn't stick up for you. He may say "I still care for you and I always will, I don't want to lose you, I want you in my life." But honey, I hate to break it to you but he's just stringing you along. Yes he may love and care for you, but he needs to learn to be his own person and not go with what he's told to do. "you can't have your cake and eat it too". When you look at a couple you shouldn't see a couple, you should see two strong individuals joining together to create a bond so strong that nothing could break it. If you guys are able to stay friends then good on you, I'm proud of you, but most of the time..... It's just better to cut off the ties and move on. If you guys , get back together in the future perfect, but you can't make someone grow up or not only stand up for you but mainly stand up for themselves.
You need to keep into mind what is best for you, it may not be what you want but it is what's best for you, because it is always you first. Yes, sometimes you tend to think about the other person first, but that is just in your nature and you need to learn your self worth and everyone is always working on that and that is okay. You need to really think about what is going to help you better yourself as a person and help you live the life that you want to. You don't want to spend your life just constantly looking for someone to share it with, you just go on with your life and focus on yourself and if he comes along then great. Just don't go looking for him is all I'm saying.
Not every guy you meet is the one, maybe you do meet him but it just isnt the right time for you guys to be together. It could be that you need to grow as a person still or maybe he does (which in this case is the guy). Because you don't want to keep going on spending your time with someone who can't give you the time, love, and SUPPORT that you deserve. Your worth is more than you can imagine, I know you may be heartbroken and not be able to see it, but after you've had your time to cry and let it out, surround yourself with the people that truly love and care for you. They can and they will help you back on your feet and regain your knowledge at what an amazing person you are and that you deserve the world and someone who will give you exactly that.
A Girls Guide to Boys
RandomTrouble with boys? Need advice? Want to hear someone agreeing with you when you complain about boys? Don't understand what's going on between you and a boy? Want to figure out to get a guy? Anything that has to do with boys....This is your answer