Chapter twenty-two~ Owen

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I woke up to Beck sleeping beside me. This may seem like a normal sighting but I didn't recall of him being here last night.

"Beck." I said shaking him awake.

He groaned and rolled over to his stomach.

"Beck. Get up." I repeated.

He groaned even louder, "Damn you man. Bet you don't force Hollis up like this." 

I ignored his Hollis comment, "Where did you even come from?"

He pulled my old blue comforter that I have since forever over his blonde head.

"Window, last night." 

I looked over to the open window on the other side of my room, wide open, curtains flying from the breeze.

"And may I ask, why you snuck into my room late at night?" I said sitting up.

He rolled over so he was directing me, "You're gonna laugh."

"No I wont." I said reassuring him.

He sighed, "I heard my mom and Nathan having sex last night. Had to get out of there."

He had a sad and grossed out expression on his face.

I immediately started laughing, "Beck, you've never heard them having sex before. Its a terrible sound but you just tune it out."

"Not with that psycho in the house. There's no tuning out anymore and I hate it." 

He seemed genuinely shaken up by it. Considering how much Beck hated Nathan, I could see why this would be much worse than with a regular stepdad.

"This all just makes me wish I stayed with my dad." Beck said as he sat up.

Beck's dad. Desmond Langford. He was the high school druggie and turned his life around. He got really into baseball and football and used to couch Beck and I when we were younger. It was great until Ayla decided she wanted a divorce and somehow got all the custody of Beck. Desmond couldn't do anything so he moved an hour away. They still hung out and talked but it wasn't the same. Desmond was the dad that everyone wanted. Including me.

Meanwhile my dad was sort of the same in ways, from what I've heard at least. Even though he was only 20 when he left, me being two and Liam being a few months old. Nonetheless things were good, again from what I've heard. But one day he decided he was too young to be a married man with children and left in the night. No note or anything.

"You're eighteen in three months. You can then." I said to him.

He grinned, "Yep. April 14th, counting down the days."

"You finally wont be an infant in the eyes of the government." I added.

"Hell yeah." He said enthusiastically.

I grabbed my phone, which was now on the floor. It must've fallen when I fell asleep last night. I looked at the time, 9:56.

I had one notification from Hollis saying, "Sorry. My phone died yesterday."

"What?" Beck asked.

I put my phone down, "Nothing really. Just Hollis."

"Need to talk about anything. One of my specialties is girls." Beck said cockily

"Dude if we had a douche bag jar right now." I said shaking my head.

"No but in all seriousness, I'm here for you. Lis is my cousin but I can block that out, just what's up?" He said to me.

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