Epilogue~ Hollis

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Life with Luke and Flora was amazing.

We vacationed in beautiful places, had family dinners filled with laughter and a house filled with so much love.

I couldn't have imagined a more amazing, love filled life with my family.

I couldn't have imagined a more amazing, love filled life with my family

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Luke.Craine: Bahama baby 

Craine: Bahama baby 

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Hollis.craine: My mini me #beachbabes

I even had my own successful business up and running. After I had gotten the partnership with the swimsuit company, I decided it was time to branch out on my own.

It started out as an online boutique but after a few years of success, I decided to convert it into a small shop in L.A. 

Everything in that aspect couldn't be going better.

As time went by, it was really cool seeing Flora's personality come out. She was really witty, stubborn, outgoing and definitely a wild child.

Not to mention, she had Luke wrapped around her finger. She was total daddy's girl.

I was excited to see how she'd be when she was older.

"Momma, I want a little sister or brother." Flora told me, running into the sun room.

Flora was two now, and recently always asking for a little sibling.

"Oh really?" I smiled, looking at Luke,"Why don't you ask daddy."

She sighed, dramatically, but then ran to the kitchen and tackled Luke's leg.

"Daddy, can I have a little sister or brother." Flora asked, again.

Luke looked up at me and grinned. Then he looked down at Flora and tucked all the lose strands of hair behind her ear.

"We'll see, sweet girl." Luke said, picking her up and twirling her around.

"Hey, Flor. How about you go feed Waco and we can go on a walk after." Luke suggested to her.

 She smiled and nodded. Luke put her down and she ran back to the sun room to feed Waco, yelling his name over and over again, trying to call him.

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