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Their first concert in New York went just as smoothly as every other one before it. The band performed well with high-energy and flawless playing. Delaney, however, couldn't stay still in her seat. 

After asking to know more about them, Luke had kindly offered to bring her along to one of their more high-profile jobs, and she agreed. He said they wouldn't let her do anything, it was just to watch. So, she agreed. 

But the more she thought about it the more nervous she got. When the boys finished with their song Youngblood, she knew the concert was over since she had heard the set so many times. 

As per usual, they went to Ashton's dressing room for a while to avoid the traffic of their concert being let out. She was scared and stayed quietly in the corner, reverting almost back to how she used to be around the band, but they all drank just like any other night she's seen them drink. 

It made her wonder if they always had something to do after the concerts. If they would drop her off in her room then go off and kill some people, or whatever they did. 

"Shot for confidence?" Ashton asked, bringing her attention back to the room. He was holding one out for her as he took one for himself. 

"She can't be drunk, Ash," Luke said, starting towards the two of them. Ashton's hand wavered with the shot in it, but Delaney reached out and grabbed it before Luke could. 

The burn followed the liquid down her throat, causing her to wince slightly. She shook it off and turned to Luke, "I won't be drunk off one shot." 

"We should go now anyway," Michael interrupted, specifically changing the subject before Luke had a say in it. Luke and Calum both nodded and turned to head out. Michael leaned forward the smallest bit, "Don't have anymore, though."  

She nodded, mouthing 'yeah' and going with Michael and Ashton to follow the other two. "So, what am I gonna have to do?" She asked once they all got into the car, Delaney back in the middle seat where she usually was. 

"Nothing at all," Ashton told her simply. "You can watch from the car." 

"Alright. Well, what am I watching?" She asked as Michael pulled the car out from the parking garage into the very dark night. 

"Guess you're just gonna have to wait and see," Calum teased, raising his eyebrows. Delaney just nodded and looked past him out the window, appreciating his humour but not exactly in the mood for it. She was doing her best to figure out where they were going based on their surroundings. But every time she thought she knew, they kept driving. 

"Cal and I on lookout, do you think?" Michael asked them after a while of quiet. 

"Yeah, that's probably best," Ashton nodded, looking to Calum who nodded in agreement. Luke gave one nod from the front seat, quickly resolving their roles in two sentences. 

"If it's that same guy from last time, I'm gonna kick his ass," Calum grumbled as they turned onto a much darker street, the streetlight fading away the further they went. 

"It's not gonna be the same guy," Ashton answered loudly, scrunching his face at Calums bold statement. "And you aren't even gonna see him." 

"Why?" She asked. "What'd he do?"

"He was just a real dick," Calum said, his voice rising as he used a hand to exaggerate how strongly he felt. 

"You'd think there'd be a lot of people who are dicks in your line of work." 

"No, there are," he agreed. "They're definitely all dicks but he was a dick in a different way. You'll see." He gave her a reassuring nod. 

"It's not the same guy, Calum!" Ashton shouted, making Delaney laugh through her nerves. 

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