Chapter 11: Family Witnesses

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The Next Day:
Lilly's POV:

I woke up the next morning, not wanting to get up. I grabbed a pillow from Jasper's side of the bed, trying to hide my face from the sun when I hear a crinkling noise. Shooting up I set the pillow down and picked up a note that had my name on it.

By the time you get this Alice and I will be gone. For what you may ask, but it's in the best interest of the girls and the rest of the family that I can't say. Just know I love you and our children very much. Like Alice said, gather as many witnesses as you can. We'll need their help. I promise I'll see you soon my love. Stay strong and kiss the girls for me, tell them daddy loves them. And remember, I love you, always and forever.

Smiling, I set the note on my night stand. I got up and dressed before packing a few things I'd need. Once I was done, I went to the nursery and got the girls ready for the day.

When I was downstairs everyone except Mom, Dad, Jack, Paul, Seth, Leah, Nick, and Derek were gone.

"I can't believe this is happening." Seth sighed as he held Josie.

"You and me both." I frowned. "I have a feeling though that you guys and the other vampires won't be enough to convince the Volturi though. No offense."

"Non-taken." Seth shrugged as we all sat in the living room.

"Lilly, maybe you're right." Mom nodded. "Now I have an idea, it may be a long shot, but, I might just know where we can get another group of people that will possibly convince the Volturi. Aro especially."

"You're not talking about......"

"That's exactly who I'm talking about." Mom nodded, cutting off Dad as they looked at each other worried.

"Who?" I asked concerned.

"My family." Mom sighed.

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's go." I stated then handed Lizzy to Paul. "You and the pack look after the girls until we get back. Jack you're coming with us."

Jack nodded and went upstairs to grab his suitcase as Mom and Dad already had theirs packed. I ran upstairs and grabbed everything I needed.

"Alright, our flight leaves in a half hour." Dad said as he put his phone in his pocket.

"I'll drive." I stated as we all walked out......

The Next Day:

It took us 19 long hours but we finally had landed in Málaga, Spain. It wasn't until we got off the plane that we met up with Aunt Mariana.

"So, are you guys going to tell me why you flew all the way out here?" Aunt Maria asked suspiciously.

"Let's just say it's a family emergency and leave it at that for right now." I frowned, worrying about my girls since it's the first time I've actually left them alone without Jasper there. "We'll explain more when the whole family is around."

"Very well." Aunt Maria nodded.

It took us another 30 minutes to arrive at the house.

"Follow me." Aunt Maria said as we exited the car. We followed her into the house until we came to a living room.

"Mariana there you are- -" An elder looking man cut himself off as he glared towards my parents. This must be my grandfather. "WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! You have a lot of nerve showing up here."

"Please, we need you to put everything aside for 10 minutes and explain why we're here." Mom pleaded.

"No!" Grandfather stated, glaring at her and Dad.

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