Chapter 9: Immortal Children

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Lilly's POV:

Ever since Lizzy, Josie, and Nessy were born, everything started to fall into place. Paul ended up imprinting on Lizzy and Seth on Josie. Jasper wasn't happy to say the least, but I made him let it go.

As for the pack, they've accepted Lizzy and Josie as their own. Well, that was after a very long and good apology from everyone in the pack, including my cousins that had sided with Sam, even though their parents told them blood comes first. However, I told Sam he could take back the alpha position as I wanted to be with my family. It was the same with Jacob, however, Nick became his co-alpha.

Everything was falling into place. Even the Volturi seemed to accept out new status, but the Volturi only think I'm a vampire. They'd want proof of us eventually knowing how Edward kept trying to put off Bella's transformation.

It seemed though we only had one enemy left.....


The girls were growing too fast. The twins not as fast as Renesmee. Nessy looked about 5 years old as the girls look 2 1/2. However, no matter the differences, we all still worried about how much time we had with them.

It just made every moment more precious.

Early November:

Bella, the girls, Jacob, Seth, Paul, and I were at a clearing as the girls were playing in the snow.

"Mommy! Aunt Lilly! Look at the snowflake!" Nessy cheered as she showed us the snowflake in her hand. "Isn't it pretty?"

"It's beautiful!" Bella smiled. "Why don't you take the twins to catch one?"

"Can I?" Nessy asked excitedly as Lizzy and Josie sat in their snowsuits, digging through the snow. I know it doesn't effect them, but Alice and Rose would kill me if their clothes got wet.

"Of course you can, but be careful, they're still babies." I smiled as she carefully took each of my girls by the hand and floated in mid air with them.

I didn't notice anything wrong until the wind pushed a familiar sent my way and I heard hissing. I looked up to see Irina look at us with an icy glare as Nessy carefully floated down and brought Lizzy and Josie to me before hugging Jacob.

"Whose that?" Nessy asked.

"I think that's our cousin from Denali, stay with Aunt Lilly." Bella stated as Paul and Seth kept me and the girls between them. "Irina!"

Bella then ran off after Irina as I looked at the girls with worry. I don't know why, but I feel like something really bad is coming our way.

"Let's head back." I frowned, putting Ness on Jacob's back as I picked up Lizzy and Josie before we all ran back to the house.

Once we arrived Bella got there the same time we did and we told Carlisle and the family that Irina ran off without talking to us, so he decided to call.

"Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us." Carlisle said after he hung up.

"Looks like she changed her mind." I frowned.

"Seeing Jacob, Paul, and Seth must have been too much for her." Esme guessed.

"I wish I could have spoken to her." Bella sighed.

"Same here." I agreed as Jasper and I cuddled on the couch, holding the girls as they were sleeping in our arms.

"She's family, she'll come around." Carlisle assured.

Everyone nodded and went back to what they were doing. Edward and Ness were playing a song on the piano causing me to close my eyes peacefully. It wasn't until I felt a touch to my cheek that I was pulled into Lizzy's thoughts.

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