Chapter 7: Charlie

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The Next Day:

I was having breakfast with Seth, Paul, and Derek as everyone else was doing their own thing when Bella and Edward walked in.

"Wow." Emmett smirked. "Done already."

"Where's Renesmee?" Bella asked, ignoring Emmett.

"Blondie stole her." Jake said before taking a bit out of a sandwich, looking outside to see Rose with Nessy.

"Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett teased again making me hit him upside the head.

"Emmett, no." Bella frowned causing the boys to laugh, even Carlisle. I rolled my eyes, boys.

And right on cue the phone started ringing. I looked up at Bella as she looked at me.

"That Charlie?"

"He's been calling twice a day." I admitted to her sadly.

"He's in pretty rough shape." Dad told her.

"Eventually we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Mom told her.

"He needs to mourn, Bella." Edward told her softly.

"Okay, we'll do it tomorrow." Bella frowned going back to Edwards side as he held her.

"I'm gonna miss this place." Riley sighed.

"We'll come back. We always do." Carlisle assured him.

"Wait." Jacob frowned. "No one said anything about leaving."

"Once people think that Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle stated. "We're already taking a risk with Riley and Bree. They're technically considered still missing."

"So you just disappear?" Paul looked at me with a frown, along with Seth.

"Guys, we don't have another choice." Jasper told them.

Jacob and Paul instantly stormed out. This can't be good. Dad and Mom looked at me sadly before leaving the room. I instantly stood up and followed them.

"Mom? Dad? What's wrong?" I frowned.

"Your leaving." Mom said sadly.

"What? No. I thought you'd come with us?" I said confused.

"You really want us there with you?" Dad asked shocked.

"Why wouldn't I?" I frowned. "I'm about to have twins, and if they're anything like Nessy you have to be here with them too. I don't want these girls to grow up without you two."

"Oh, honey." Mom said pulling me into a hug. "We're always here."

"Your mothers right." Dad said. "But I have a feeling we won't have to worry about that."

"Yeah. I have a feeling Jake and Paul are doing something very stupid at this point." I sighed.

And right on time, Jacob and Paul came running in.

"What the hell did you two do?!" Edward demanded, taking them outside. Bella, Jasper, and I quickly followed.

"We solved a problem! You were leaving!" Jacob frowned. "What did you expect us to do?"

"You don't realize the danger you put him in." Bella frowned. "The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us!"

"We didn't tell them about you guys. Just us. We only said that you were different." Paul shrugged.

"And that we have a niece we adopted." Edward frowned.

"I mean, seriously, guys he's not just gonna let that go." Bella shook her head.

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