Chapter 8: Elizabeth & Josette Whitlock

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The Cullen's Back Yard:
We were all standing around Bella and Emmett as Emmett set down a big bolder in front of them with a smirk.

"Alright on 3." Jasper smirked as he held me in his arms. "1.... 2.... 3!"

Emmett quickly tried to move his hand against Bella's. She wavered for a second before she caught her grip and held their hands in the middle. Emmett's smirk then dropped as he started grunting, putting in all of his strength against Bella who smirked at him. Emmett's hand then slowly starts going down, causing him to frown as Bella puts his hand through the bolder, causing it to break off.

"YES! That's my best friend!" I cheered, then grunted feeling the babies kick.

"Did you see that?!" Bella asked excitedly before showing off as she destroyed the bolder with the biggest smile.

She was born to be a vampire. It was her destiny.....

Two Weeks Later:
Lilly's POV:

It's been two weeks since Renesmee was born and she's already looking like a 1 year old. As for me, I feel like a whale! These girls are still growing I feel like if I get any bigger Carlisle will have to do a c-section. No Thank You! I prefer not to get cut open!

Anyways, the family was out taking Bella hunting once more, leaving me with Paul, Seth, Mom, Dad, and Jack. I sighed, struggling to get to my feet. I huffed out a big breathe once I was on my two feet. I waddled my way to the kitchen getting some water.

"Lillian Cullen, what are you doing up?!" Mom came in making me jump slightly. "You should be resting!"

I was about to answer when I groaned out in pain as I held my stomach.

"Lilly baby?" Mom quickly rushed to my side, taking my free hand. "Are you having Braxton Hicks?"

That's when I felt liquid splash down my legs.

"Oh my God!" Mom smiled happily as I cried out in pain once more. "The babies are coming!"

"Yeah, I think I know that mother!" I snapped. "Can we get somewhere comfortable for what I'm about to go through?!"

"Jack!" Mom called and in a second he was in here.

"What's- - oh my god! Your in labor!" Jack smiled happily.

"Not shit!" I hissed in pain then gave them both an apologetic look. "Sorry, but can we get ready for me to pop these kids out?"

Jackson nodded and picked me up, carrying me to Carlisle's home office and put me down on the exam table.

"Paul, Seth, Grandpa!" Jack yelled causing them all to run in.

"What's going on?" Dad frowned walking in.

"I'm in labor god damnit!" I hissed through the pain. "Can someone get my fucking husband?!"

"Don't worry sweetheart, Carlisle and Jasper are on the way with the others." Mom assured then turned to the boys. "Okay, I need everything to be ready for Carlisle when he gets here! Seth go to the kitchen and get me a bowl of warm water and a rag. Paul, go upstairs and find some towels! Jackson, stay beside your mother and try to comfort her, you too Michael."

Everyone nodded and rushed to do their jobs. Dad and Jack gave me their hands to hold to comfort me, but the pain was the worst I've ever felt. That lasted about an hour. It wasn't until another 30 minutes, however, later that that the pain started to get worse.

"Crap!" Mom frowned. "You're at 8 cm, you're gonna have to start pushing soon."

"What?!" I panicked. "NO! Jasper isn't here yet!"

"Honey, it's not your choice. If you don't you could end up hurting them." Mom tried to reason.

I nodded sadly, throwing my head back as tears ran down my face. Another 10 minutes passed and Mom checked again.

"Okay, honey, it's time to push." Mom said as she got a towel ready.

Right as I was about to push, the door slammed open causing me to flinch.

"Am I late?!" Jasper asked making me sigh in relief.

"No, just in time." Mom sighed and moved out of the way to let Carlisle take over, as Jasper took my Dad's place and gave me his hand.

"Alright, you have to start pushing Lilly." Carlisle said and I nodded. I yelled bloody murder, squeezing Jack and Jasper's hand as I pushed hard.

"Another one." Carlisle nodded. I pushed again groaning in pain.

"You're doing great darlin'!" Jasper smiled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I cried out as I pushed harder. "YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU ASSHAT!"

Jackson let out a snort causing me to glare at him.

"SHUT UP! YOU'RE NOT THE ONE'S PUSHING MELON SIZED HUMANS OUT OF YOUR VAGINA!" I yelled as I pushed again before crying in pain.

"Alright, I see a head!" Carlisle smiled. "One last big push Lilly!"

I groaned before yelling as I gave a longer and bigger push. It wasn't until I heard a babies cry that I stopped.

"That's one healthy baby girl." Carlisle smiled as Jasper cut the umbilical cord and held her up.

"Elizabeth Rose Whitlock." I smiled before I cringed in pain again. Mom wrapped Elizabeth in a towel and took her to get cleaned up as Carlisle focused back on me.

"I see the other head." Carlisle said. "Two more big pushes Lilly! You're doing great!"

I gripped Jack and Jasper's hands again before pushing my hardest until again, I heard another cry.

"And healthy baby number two." Carlisle smiled once again as Jasper cut her umbilical cord as well.

"Jossette Nicole Whitlock." I smiled as Carlisle left to get her cleaned up.

"You did great darlin'." Jasper smiled kissing my head.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at either of you like that." I said as I started to tear up.

"Ah, Ah, Ah. No tears." Jack shook his head. "We can't imagine the pain you just went through to bring those two girls into the world. There is nothing to forgive."

"He's right." Jasper agreed.

I smiled and hugged them both until someone cleared their throats. We all broke away when we saw Mom and Carlisle with our two bundles of joy in their blankets.

"Here is Elizabeth, born September 24th at 12:32 pm. Weighing 5.5lbs and 8 ounces." Mom smiled handing her to me.

"And this is Jossette, born September 24th at 12:37 pm. Weighing 6.2 lbs and 8 ounces." Carlisle said handing her to Jasper.

"They're beautiful." I cried as I kissed Elizabeth's forehead. They look so much like Jasper already with the lightest little blonde fuzzies on their head, and their crystal blue eyes from when he was human.

"Just like their mother." Jasper smiled kissing my lips as we cooed over our babies. That's when I smiled and turned Elizabeth to Jack.

"Lizzy, I think someone is waiting to meet you and your sissy." I smiled before carefully handing her to Jack who looked like she was the most precious thing in the world.

"Hi baby Lizzy, I'm you're big brother Jack. I'm gonna protect you and Josie no matter what." Jack smiled kissing her head.

I smiled contently. Was family was here all together. Once we let everyone spend a few hours with the babies and hold them, Carlisle and Dad took them to do some tests as I cleaned myself up. When I hopped out of the shower it was weird to look in the mirror. It looked like I wasn't pregnant at all. Sighing, I miss my baby bump, but I am so happy now that my babies are finally with me.

Everyone has gone back to normal........

Or so we thought.......

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