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" Jaan, I know that you are hiding in this room. Come out like a good girl before I catch you," He said like a serial killer from any horror movie.

I just pressed my palm on my mouth to prevent any kind of sound. My heart is beating fast like it will explode inside my chest anytime.

I can't let him know that I have seen what he was hiding. I can't believe what I have seen. Is he even human! After seeing this room I am sure that he is not normal and I have to escape from here anyhow. He is a complete psycho. He has issues inside his head.

" Aren't you here, Jaan? He again asked and I can hear his slow footsteps.

I have to escape from this room as soon as possible. If he caught me here then I am done for sure. He will punish me for not obeying him. It was a strict order from him to not see this room and I have violated his order.

" Maybe I am wrong. I think you are not here," he said and started going towards the door.

I took a relief of breath thinking that he is leaving this room. I will come out of this room when he will leave this room.

I heard the door closing sound indicating he has left. I took a relief of breath and said looking at the ceiling," Thank you so much, Allah."

I came out of my hiding place and started going to the balcony. I will leave this room by using the balcony. As the room is on the 1st floor it will not be difficult to escape by using the balcony. I can't let him know about my presence anyhow in this room.

I will just step a foot towards the balcony when a pair of familiar hands hold my waist tightly.

A small scream escaped from my mouth feeling the touch. I know this touch. It's none other than him. He has caught me. He has found me.

My body started trembling due to fear. Tears have made their way from my eyes down to my cheeks.

" Jaan, were you playing hide and seek with me? He asked me with his deep voice and made me look at him.

I am still trembling when he asked wiping my tears gently," Did you see everything?"

His voice is unusually calm and I can feel the threat in his voice. His eyes are dark like any devil's eyes.

I replied crying," Please, don't hurt me. I will not say anything to anyone."

" But, you have violated one of my rules. Don't you remember what I do to you when you violate any of my rules?" He asked me rubbing my lips with his thumb.

A shiver run down through my whole system remembering all the punishments. I can't forget what he has done with me previously for violating his rules. He is a monster under the human skin.

I fall on my knees and hold his leg tightly. I pleaded with my teary eyes," Please, don't punish me. I am sorry."

" Shh....shh....Jaan, what are you doing? Your place is in my bed under me where I make love to you. Your place isn't near my legs," He said affectionately and stood me up.

I joined my both hands and started begging," I am sorry. I will not dare to come into this room."

" After today's punishment, you will not come here anyway," He replied fixing his dangerous gaze on my trembling body.

I am still trembling when he said dangerously caressing my cheeks," It's been days since you have visited the darkroom. You need a tour there, don't you?"

" No, no.....please...don't take me there," I uttered and started going backwards. He started coming forward in my direction with his predatory moves.

My back hit the wall and he holds me by my hairs. Before I could say anything, he started dragging me towards the darkroom which I fear the most. That room is his personal hell where he unleashes his monster.

" You need to be punished for not obeying my words," He said pulling my hairs so tightly like he will rip them off from my skull anytime.

Just after a few minutes, I am in the darkroom. My body is shivering due to fear and tears aren't stopping from my eyes. Whenever I have come here I couldn't get out without any doctor's help.

He threw me on the metal bed and ordered dangerously," Jaan, Open your clothes and show me your sexy body."

" No, please.............." I said trying to run away from this room.

Before I could leave the room he grabbed me by my waist. I started wriggling in his arms.

He is now behind me and whispered like a creep in my ear," you are very fond of breaking rules, Right? Today I will punish you so badly that you will forget to............"

" No, please....I beg you....Don'," I uttered with my trembling voice, shaking badly in his arms.

He threw me on that metallic bed again and said looking directly into my eyes," I am going to teach you discipline. If you utter a single word then I will force you to meet my friends? Do you want to meet them? Do you remember how big and vicious they look?

" No..................." I screamed at the top of my lungs which echoed through the whole house.

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