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Erina's p.o.v

" I have fixed your marriage," Abbu said without any emotion and the glass fell on the floor from my hand.

Hearing the glass breaking sound, Ammi and my sisters came running. They entered the room and looked at us with their questioning eyes.

" What happened?" Ammi asked worriedly.

I am just looking at Abbu with my shocked eyes. What does he mean by fixed my marriage? Without my consent how can he do that?

I have many dreams to fulfil. I want to complete my studies. I want to do something productive. I am not ready for marriage. Moreover, I love Amaan. I can't imagine someone else as my husband. I will never be able to accept someone else as my husband.

" Zayed Bin Qureshi, one of the richest man wants to marry Erina," Abbu informed Ammi dropping another bomb inside my head.

I haven't recovered from the previous shock and now this one. And, Zayed Bin Qureshi!! Why does he want to marry me? I don't know him nor he knows me then what's the meaning of all this. Why does he want to marry a poor girl like me? If he wants then he can marry any woman from any reputable family. Then, why does he want to marry me?

Ammi asked Abbu widening her eyes," What are you talking about? Why a rich man like Zayed Bin Qureshi wants to marry our daughter? It's weird."

" Sukar kar khuda ka, ki unki jayse bade log hamare jayse ek pion ki beti se Nikah karna chahta hey( Say thanks to God that a rich man like him wants to marry a pion's daughter)," Abbu snapped at Ammi.

This time I couldn't tolerate it anymore and said directly on his face," I don't want to marry now."

He turned his gaze at me and asked clenching his jaw," What did you say? Fir se bol(repeat it),"

I was silent. I know he is now angry beyond level. My body has already turned cold because of fear. My palms are sweating as well as my forehead. My eyes are already teary. I can feel his rage-filled eyes on me.

" Fir se bol(repeat it)," he again said and this time loudly. Loud enough to make anyone deaf.

I couldn't control myself anymore and screamed," I don't want to marry now.
I'm not ready yet. I want to complete my studies first."

I fell on the floor because of the impact I earned on my face. The slap was so hard that I felt like my jaw has dislocated and I also felt dizzy.

" Api!!" I heard Eshal and Eshita both screamed and came running in my direction. They bent down to my level to hold me.

" Teri himmat kaise hui na bolne ki! Huh! Teri bap ho mey. Hum faysla karengi ki to Nikah karegi yah nehi. Samzhi?( How dare you to say no! Huh! I am your father. I will decide you will marry or not. Understood?" He said dangerously looking down at my bruised cheek.

My tears aren't stopping after hearing his declaration. If I again open my mouth then he will beat me into pulp for sure. But, I can't just marry a random man. It doesn't matter he is rich or not. I don't know him nor love him. Then, how can I just marry him?

" Thoda aram sey bat kariye( Talk to her softly). She wasn't........." I heard Ammi trying to say something.

Before she could complete her sentence I heard him yelling at Ammi," Samjhao ish ladki ko, ki yeyi kitni khus kismat hey ki Zayed Bin Qureshi ishki jayse nikamme se Nikah karna chahta hey( Make her understand that she is lucky that Zayed Bin Qureshi wants to marry a useless girl like her)."

" We don't know him properly then how can we just give our daughter's hand to him," I heard Ammi saying with her tensed voice.

I looked at my father with my teary eyes and heard him saying with his harsh voice," Ayse rishte bar bar nehi aate( This type of proposal doesn't come often). Zayed Bin Qureshi is a good man and everybody knows it. I have decided to marry her off and that's final."

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