
3.9K 127 14

After two days

Erina's p.o.v

I entered the orphanage gate and found that the whole orphanage is surrounded by police and many bodyguards.

I became confused seeing all this. It's the first time that I am watching so much security in the orphanage. I noticed my surroundings and found that media is also here. What the hell is going on? Why the media is here? I am not understanding anything.

I step afoot to enter the orphanage when a constable blocked my path. Before I could say anything he asked me rudely," Who are you? Show me your id card? Without permission, you can't enter."

" I am here........." I couldn't complete my sentence when I heard the familiar voice of Zarina Khala(aunt). I turned my head behind and found her coming forward.

Well, she is the caretaker of this orphanage. And, I work as a teacher in this orphanage. It is one of the largest and finest orphanages in the whole city. There are approximately 400 children in this orphanage. I teach mathematics to the children who are in junior grade. The orphanage authority pays me well which is enough to bear my expenses.

Zarina Khala said to the constable," Don't stop her. She works as a teacher in this orphanage. She is a member of this orphanage."

The constable didn't say anything further and left the place giving a suspicious glare to me.

" What's going on, Khala? Why there are so many bodyguards and police? I asked her confusingly.

She informed me," The owner of the orphanage is coming here. That's why the security is too much tight."

" Owner?" I uttered knitting my brows. I don't know who is the owner of this orphanage. I only heard that the late home minister built it.

Zarina Khala said," Zayed Bin Qureshi is the owner of this orphanage. He is coming here to see the condition of the orphanage. The security is for his safety."

I know who is Zayed Bin Qureshi. He is the current chairman of the political group 'People's Party. I have seen him numerous time on the TV. I also heard that he is one of the richest men in the whole country.

" You don't have to teach the children today. You can go home. I should have informed you earlier but I was very busy so I couldn't inform you. I am sorry," Zarina Khala said politely.

I shook my head and replied smiling," It's ok. No need to be sorry."

She smiled at me when I asked," I will not take any class today. But, can I meet the children? Their smiling face makes me so happy and cheerful."

" Yeah, Sure. You can meet them," She replied and a big smile formed on my lips.

After that, I went to the room where the children are. They all said in unison seeing me," Erina Api!!!!"

Yes, they call me Api(sister) instead of madam. Because I don't like to be called as madam. I told them to call me Api considering me as their elder sister.

" Baccho, Kaise ho aap sab( Children, how are you all?)" I asked smilingly.

" We are fine. How are you?" They replied in unison and I chuckled hearing their united voice?

I replied making an excited face," I am fine. I have good news for all of you."

They all become confused and looked at each other with questioning eyes.

" What is it? They all asked in unison.

I replied enthusiastically," Today, no study. I will not take any class today."

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