FUOYOShaq helped me pick up my first payment and like a proud teacher he smiled and gave me the full money. 5 minty 100 dollar notes. "No cut for me, this is your first, it's always special." He beamed at me
I sent my mom and siblings money then went shopping for clothes and shoes, upgraded my phone and the money was gone in a flash. Shaq was there to assure me once more. "If she pays once, she will pay twice, just calm down for like a month and shower her with lots of attention, then bill her heavily and see what happens."
And he was right. She paid again, and again, and again. In 2 and a half years, Lori sent me roughly 30000USD. She also helped me pick up really huge sums of money for other people on two occasions and I received a juicy percentage. Every transaction was always under strict instructions from Shaq and I did well to always follow his advice. If he told me, don't do it like that, do this instead, I did what he said and more often than not we were discussing percentages not long after.
The first year was the hottest. I kept cashing out thousands of dollars every month, Shaq always had a solid format which he shared with me, I sold her the story and she always bought it. Back to back to back, month after month there was always something urgently coming up and I always needed money and she sent it without complaints, assuring me she would do anything for me.
Of course Lori was not a bank, she sent me the money I asked for with full expectation from the many promises I frequently sweet talked her with. About how I was going to retire soon and we'll buy a house on the beach, get a dog and name her Sandy and spend the rest of our lives together watching the sun set. There was plenty of talk in my mouth and I fed her lots of romantic bullshit.
The only problem with creating such perfect images is that it creates a longing and when the longing gets too much, she would be willing to do anything to solve the numerous monetary problems preventing you two from seeing each other. Eventually she'll get hurt cause it's all a scam.
I broke Lori's heart a couple of times, disappointed her a couple more times, for example on 3 different occasions after sending money for first class tickets, she'd spent hours at the airport, waiting expectantly for a lover that never showed. When it happened, she barraged me with voice-messages, screaming and crying for me to get lost and leave her alone and I'd plead for understanding, always armed with a ready excuse. Sometimes she blocked me for a couple of days or didn't speak to me for one or two weeks but she always forgave me and before long we were back in the cycle. I suspected that deep down she had come to realize that Josh Ince was a fraud and fake but had become too attached.
The few times my conscience troubled me I told myself it was part of the hustle life. She was collateral damage. Other times I told myself it was payback for her ancestors selling my people to foreign lands to work as slaves. I got this particular school of thought from Shaq the day I brought up the guilt topic and it had done the trick, making me feel better immediately. I was only playing my little part by bringing back the little thousands of dollars I could get from the billions and trillions that had been stolen from Africa, and pumping it into the economy; hotel staffs, clothe designers, gold sellers, club owners and even runs girls were the major beneficiaries. There you have it, guilt problem solved.

Securing The Bag (The Lagos Hustle)
AdventureA yahoo boy, A runs girl, A street Thug - 3 strangers going about their day to day hustle in the suburbs of Lagos witness a gruesome murder that will change their lives forever and put them on the hunt for a legendary treasure dating from precolonia...