Hi guys, thanks for following the journey to this point and I know you're probably going like "how on Earth will the story just end like that??" Loool relax I got you.
There's going to be a concluding book - Securing The Bag II - The Satchel Of Eziza which would document the adventure and the treasure hunt properly. The reason I had to break it down into two books is cause I have a lot of extensive research to carry out having never been to the North before.
Hope you enjoyed the Lagos Hustle and hope you continue the adventure when the search begins/continues.
Thanks for reading, starring and commenting it was surely priceless. Much love
Also, swipe for a sneak peek into the first chapter of the book II

Securing The Bag (The Lagos Hustle)
AdventureA yahoo boy, A runs girl, A street Thug - 3 strangers going about their day to day hustle in the suburbs of Lagos witness a gruesome murder that will change their lives forever and put them on the hunt for a legendary treasure dating from precolonia...