An Eye For An Eye

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I knew the rapist was incapacitated and so I went to the kitchen, thinking of getting a nice sharp bread knife to cut off his manhood, but a long jagged piece of glass caught my attention. I picked it up and carefully slipped it in my pocket. Then I returned to the hallway stepping on the bastard and checked the remaining rooms in the house. I could hear Fuoyo and Jess gasping in shock and I deliberately refused to look into the room. Even though it was impossible, I half feared I might see them freeing Mosquito's body and lose control and slit the devil's throat where he lay groaning on the floor.

The house was empty like I guessed but I found something interesting in one of the rooms. A thick envelope on a dressing table, I opened it expectantly and sighed in disappointment when I realized it didn't contain money but about a dozen sheets of papers with scribblings and drawings. Wait a minute....these were some of the same papers I'd seen strewn about Jess's boyfriend's suite. That means this man was really the killer and the answer we'd been searching for. I took the envelope with me and shoved it in his face, his eyes were open now and he still held his chest and looked up at me although his legs were bent awkwardly and he looked like he was unable to move. I wished I had paralyzed him from the waist down, then seriously hoped he would still feel the pain when I cut off his old shriveled dick. "you thief, you killed your colleague for this didn't you?"

"who...who....are...." he couldn't complete it.

I whipped him across the face with the leather belt, satisfied when he cried out in pain. Okay, his nerves were still very much functioning...the ones in charge of pain anyway. I grabbed him by his hand and dragged him the whole length of the corridor and down the two short steps that led to the living room.

When Fuoyo and Jessy reappeared, they held a girl in their middle, each of her hands was around their neck so they half-carried her, and I suspected her legs would give in from under her if she tried to stand or walk on her own. I remembered Jessy's friend saying she'd been unable to walk after he'd been through with her and I felt my neck turn red in rage.

"He raped her?" I demanded

"No, he hadn't gotten around to that yet...we found a sachet of unopened viagra pills...he tortured her, but we interrupted him before he could take the pill and go further." Fuoyo bent down and swooped the girl in his arms before laying her on the opposite sofa. She looked dazed and weak and scared. She grabbed the sheet around her body, shivering and looking fearfully at the man on the floor.

"I'll go get some water or milk from the kitchen," Jessy said

I approached the girl, "he can't hurt you anymore, look at him...." I offered her the whip, "you can beat the hell out of him....take it..."

She shook her head and sank deeper into the chair, pulling the sheet to her chin.

"she needs a hospital, she can't even move her hand's bro, we can only guess how long she's been stretched out in the can this old man do something like this" Fuoyo said,

 "Kenekelis look at her...she's young enough to be your granddaughter"

Jessy returned with a glass containing a creamy brownish foamy liquid. "It's malt and condensed take little sips...don't rush it...when you're ready you tell us your name"

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